

Our team attended ISBNPA 2022 both virtually and in-person in Phoenix, Arizona to share some exciting research happening in the Digital Health Lab!

Check out our most recent publication!

We are pleased to announce the launch of Pathverse!

Check out our submission to the SBM 2021 Annual Meeting as a Research Spotlight. It explains the findings from a systematic review completed by Amanda Willms and Dr. Sam Liu.

Check out our recent publication in the Journal for Medical Internet Research (JMIR)!

Check out our recent publication in the Annals of Leisure Research!

We've been busy lately. Here's a summary of what we've been up to!

Pathverse is now available in the Apple App Store.

We were recently published in the Childhood Obesity Journal.

Our lab-developed solution to accessible mHealth development resources has launched! Find it in YOUR app store shortly!

Android users, you can now download Pathverse on your Smartphones!