
Virtual family-based lifestyle study

Please note: recruitment for the current program cycle has now closed. If you are interested in joining similar studies in future, please reach out to healthyfamilystudy@uvic.ca and we'll add you to our participant waitlist!


Our goal is to support families just like yours to improve healthy lifestyle behaviours. Right now we are testing two different ways to run a 10-week family-based lifestyle program: one that is self-guided online, and one that involves live virtual sessions. We want to see how helpful each type of program is. Your feedback during the study will help us make changes to improve the program and support other families in the best way possible.


  • Introduction to healthy eating and active living
  • Setting goals and using effective rewards
  • Healthy body image and self-esteem
  • Creating positive family mealtimes and physical activity experiences
  • Family, food, and getting active outdoors
  • Positive parenting
  • Cooking and playing together

We are looking for families with at least one child between the ages of 8 and 12 who may be above a healthy weight. The program is absolutely FREE for participants, and we even offer extra incentives as thanks for your contribution! Your child will receive a FitBit, and your family will get a $25 grocery gift card each time you fill out our online surveys (4 times over 12 months).

Recruitment for this study is now closed, but if you would like more information about similar opportunities, please reach out to healthyfamilystudy@uvic.ca.

This project is funded by the and the