
Wearable Activity Monitors

Wearable Mi Band

How accurate are wearable physical activity monitors?

We recruited participants to join a research study that aimed to establish the accuracy of a novel wearable physical activity monitoring system for adults (> 70 years old).

Eligibility criteria:

  • are between the ages of 70-90 years old
  • have no trouble walking up and down stairs
  • are fluent in English
  • have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing

The study asked you to make two 45-minute visits to our lab at the 番茄社区. At each visit, we asked you to perform a series of simple physical movements like walking up and down stairs, walking on a treadmill and on a track while wearing an activity tracker. We also recorded video of you doing the tasks because it is important that we can compare the steps you actually make to those recorded by the activity tracker.