
External borrowers

If you're not affiliated with the university, you can use our office to access books and articles for a fee. This includes institutions, organizations, businesses and individuals. Learn about our charges for external users.

Get information on borrowing privileges, community borrower's fees, library cards, and loan periods.

Library services for distance students

If you're an off-campus student, the Distance Learning and Research office will work with you to get you articles, books and other materials.

  • Books or articles not owned by the library
  • Copies of articles from publications in the our collection
  • Books from the library
  • Research help

If you have questions about interlibrary loans for external borrowers, our cost structure or wish to order material using a credit card, contact us:

Phone: 250-721-6488
Office location: McPherson Library, Learning and Research Offices (2nd floor)
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Mailing address:

Distance Learning and Research
McPherson Library Room A212
Box 1800, STN CSC
Victoria, BC
V8W 3H5