
Distance Learning and Research

The front of the Mearns Centre for Learning - McPherson Library looks out on UVic's central quad.

The Learning Commons is a welcome space on the main floor of the library.

The stairwell in the Mearns Centre - McPherson Library looks out over the Ring Road.

The study spaces inside the stairwell have the best views.

There are books located on every level of the library, but the main stacks are found on level 2, 3, and 3M.

The back of the Mearns Centre for Learning - McPherson Library looks over the Ring Road.

Library services for distance students

Distance Learning and Research provides services for distance students. We will help you find the information needed to complete your course work. As a distance education student, use these pages to learn how to search the library databases off campus.

You can request:

  • Any circulating material held in the library, and the materials will be sent to your home
  • Articles from journals, magazines or newspapers in our collections
  • Articles or books not held in our collection
  • Help in choosing an appropriate search strategy, database or research help

Contact us to request the books or articles you need or for research help.

Undergraduate students

Find online tutorials, research assistance and information for undergraduate students.

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Graduate students

Are you a graduate student needing help with research? Find more information here.

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We assist faculty who are preparing for or updating a distance education course offered through UVic.

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UVic alumni and external borrowers

UVic services are also available to institutions, organizations, businesses and individuals.

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