
Return library materials

Where do I return items?

Most items can be returned to the book return chutes in the lobby of the Mearns Centre - McPherson Library and outside the library's main entrance. Use the outside chute when the library is closed.

The following items have a specific return location.

  • Laptops to the Ask Us Desk near the library entrance.
  • Reserve items to the return drawer inside the reserve room.
  • Music and Media materials and equipment to the Ask Us Desk near the library entrance.
  • Map tubes and airphoto envelopes to staff at the Ask Us Desk near the library entrance.
  • Interlibrary loan materials and recalled items at Ask Us Desk near the library entrance.

Return materials by mail.

When are my items due?

We will give you a due date and time for each item you sign out. These dates may change due to renewals and recalls. Items not returned or renewed by the due date/time are subject to fines.

  • Check your due dates by logging in to .

Library notifications, including due date reminders, are sent by email. Please check your email regularly. You are responsible for fines for overdue materials.