
Participating Faculty

Name Area Contact

Katelin Albert
PhD (University of Toronto)

Medical Sociology, Sociology of Health and Mental Health, Sexual Health and Sexual Experiences, Qualitative Methods, Social Theory, Science and Technology

Kelly Aguirre
PhD (UVic)
Department of Political Science

Indigenous politics, decolonial and critical theory, storytelling and narrative, methodological ethics, rhetoric and poetics, neurodiversity and disability in decolonial discourse

Allan Antliff
PhD (Delaware)
History in Art

Modernism in the United States and Europe, anarchist studies, contemporary art, critical art, critical theory, the history of anarchism

Michael Asch

PhD (Columbia)

Department of Anthropology

Issues concerning representation of Indigenous peoples in anthropological theory, alternative ways to construct relations between Self and Other in Western political thought and on treaty relations

Sara Beam
PhD (Berkeley)
Department of History

History of human rights, torture, sex crimes, religious freedom, satire and political expression, censorship of the press and entertainment; Europe between 1500 and 1750.

PhD (Stony Brook)
Department of Philosophy

History of Philosophy, Philosophy and Literature, 19th Century Continental Philosophy, Philosophy and Film

Marina Bettaglio
PhD (State University of New York at Buffalo)
Hispanic and Italian Studies

Twentieth-century Spanish and Italian literature, women's studies, gender studies, critical theory, translation theory.

PhD (Cambridge)
Department of History

World history; intellectual/cultural history; Sino-Western relations; comparative colonialism and decolonisation; North-South relations; history of science

Neilesh Bose
PhD (Tufts)
Department of History

Social theory, modern South Asia, historiography, post-colonialism, biography, performance studies, collective memory, nationalisms, political theology, religion, world systems, cultural studies, aesthetics, power

Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier
PhD (University of Manchester)
Department of Anthropology

Visual culture, sound, creative practices, digital media, infrastructure, Cuba, Canada

William K. Carroll
PhD (York)
Department of Sociology

Political economy; social movement theory; Marxist theory

Hélène Cazes
PhD (Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre)
Department of French

Renaissance Literature (French, Italian, Latin), Humanism and Humanities, Republic of Letters, Friendship, History of Medicine, History of the Book, History of Childhood, Editorial Mediations

Rachel Cleves
PhD (Berkley)
Department of History

Early American history, 1750-1850, with a focus on the histories of gender, sexuality, and violence (on leave)

Evelyn Cobley
Department of English

Russian Formalism, Modernism, Postmodernism, narratology, twentieth-century English and comparative literature.

Aaron Devor
PhD (Washington)
Department of Sociology

Gender, human sexuality, transgender themes

Rita Dhamoon 
Department of Political Science

Identity/difference politics and power, multicultural policies and theories, culture, nation-building, gender politics and feminism, intersectionality, critical race, post-colonial and anti-colonial politics, citizenship and democratic politics, Canadian politics

(on leave)

Mylène Dorcé
PhD (Montréal)
Department of French

Insular Francophone Literatures (Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean); Francophone African Literatures (Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa); Québécois Migrant Literature; First Person Narratives; Postcolonial, decolonial and transnational theories; Feminist Theories and Praxis; Women Writers


Avigail Eisenberg
PhD (Queen's)
Department of Political Science

Democratic theory, political pluralism, group authority and dissent. 

Emile Fromet de Rosnay
PhD (Queen's)
Department of French

French and Francophone culture; literature, cinema; aesthetics; intermediality/hypermediality; critical theory; experimental theory

Steve Garlick
PhD (CUNY Graduate Center)
Department of Sociology

Critical social theory; new materialisms; masculinity studies; sexuality and bodies; science and technology studies

Simon Glezos
PhD (Johns Hopkins)
Department of Political Science

Continental thinkers of the 19th and 20th century, including Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Paul Virilio, Antonio Negri, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Joseph Schumpeter, Henri Bergson, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, and Immanuel Kant

Chris Goto-Jones
PhD (Oxford)
Department of Philosophy

Comparative philosophy; Asian philosophy, Political philosophy, Ethics, Embodiment, Philosophy of mind, Philosophical practice, Digital and visual philosophy

(on leave)

Lois Harder
PhD (York)
Political Science

Citizenship law, social policy, regulation of intimate life


Sara Harvey
Doctorat en lettres (Paris/Quebec)
Department of French

My main current research is spread over a variety of projects, all of which are linked by the desire to understand what shapes our worldview and our academic and cultural behaviour when filtered through the history of France's in early modern period.

Thom Heyd PhD (Western Ontario)
Centre for Global Studies (Associate Fellow), Philosophy and School of Environmental Studies (Adjunct Professor)

Aesthetics, Ethics, History of Philosophy with sprecial interests in Environmental Aesthetics and Ethics

Sean Hier
PhD (McMaster)
Department of Sociology

Surveillance; moral regulation and moral panic; risk sociology; race and racism; media; intellectual exclusion

Thiti Jamkajornkeiat
PhD (University of California -Berkeley)
Faculty of Pacific and Asian Studies

Research interests include comparative southeast Asian intellectual history, modern Indonesia and Thailand, peripheral marxism, and anti-/post-/decolonial theories.

Rebecca Johnson
SJD (University of Michigan)
Faculty of Law

Judicial dissent, sexuality, law-and-film, affect and emotion, legal theory, legal process, indigenous legal methodologies

Arthur Kroker Emeritus
PhD (McMaster)
Department of Political Science

Technology; culture and theory; contemporary French and German political theory; Canadian political and social thought; ethics and biotechnology

Gary Kuchar
PhD (McMaster)
Department of English

English Renaissance literature, religious poetry and prose, intellectual history, Shakespeare, literary/critical theory

Pierre-Luc Landry
PhD (Université Laval)
Department of French

Quebecois and French literature and culture, Indigenous literature, Creative writing, Research-creation, Queer theories

PhD (Alberta)
Department of Political Science
Canadian politics; Canadian public policy; Neoliberalism.

John Lutz
PhD (Ottawa)
Department of History

Canadian. History of Indigenous Settler relations and more broadly the history of the creation and interaction of different racial groups in the Pacific Northwest.  I am also interested in the use of digital tools to research, teach and display history

Mara Marin
PhD (Chicago)
Department of Political Science

Feminist theory, Social theory, History of political thought, Structural injustice, Oppression, Domination, Legal Theory, Authority, Political obligation

Lynne Marks
PhD (York)
Department of History

Canadian History, women's and gender history, and the social history of religion/irreligion and atheism.

Martha McMahon
PhD (McMaster)
Department of Sociology

Qualitative methods; feminist theory; ecological Feminism; women organic farmers

Allan Mitchell
PhD (Dalhousie)
Department of English

A Medievalist whose work crosses disciplines and subjects (e.g., rhetoric, ethics, ecologies) with a focus on the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries

PhD (Queen's University)
Department of Sociology
Surveillance, technology, identification, biometrics, colonialism, data justice.

Ana Maria Peredo
PhD (University of Calgary)
School of Environmental Studies

Sustainable development; anthropology and management; alternative economies.

Elena Pnevmonidou
PhD (McGill)
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Research focuses on the intersection between romantic aesthetic theory and romantic conceptualizations of the other, be it the other gender or the cultural other, such as the Orient

Sara Ramshaw
PhD (Birkbeck School of Law, University of London)
Faculty of Law

CSPT Director July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026

Critical legal studies in improvisation, family law, human rights, and law and the humanities

Reuben Rose-Redwood
PhD (Penn State)
Department of Geography

Critical urban theory; cultural landscape studies; governmentality, space, and calculation; memory, culture, and the politics of place-making; geographies of performativity; history of geographical thought

Stephen Ross
PhD (Queen's)
Department of English

Modern British literature; critical theory, especially Marxism, psychoanalysis, feminism and deconstruction; spectrality studies; youth culture

PhD (UC Santa Cruz)
School of Environmental Studies

Political ecology, political theory and international political economy

Daromir Rudnyckyj
PhD (UC Berkeley)
Department of Anthropology

Social theory, anthropology of knowledge; liberalism and neoliberalism; finance; socio-technics of money; globalization; the state; colonialism and counter-coloniality; religion; development; Islam

Bradley B Ryan
PhD (Boalt Hall School of Law)
Faculty of Law

 Brad teaches and carries out research in First Nation fiscal relations, Taxation, Corporate law, Indigenous economic and legal orders, and maintains interests in postcolonialism and legal theory.

Jentery Sayers
PhD (Washington)
Department of English

Comparative media studies, science and technology studies, labour studies, speculative fiction, experimental prototyping, and computational culture

Charlotte Schallie
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

My teaching and research interests include post-1945 diasporic and transcultural writing/filmmaking, memory studies, Jewish identity in Contemporary cultural discourse, and teaching and learning about the Holocaust(HTL).

PhD (Johns Hopkins)
School of Environmental Studies

Environmental, feminist and indigenous politics; Contemporary political theory; the changing character of local, global and marginal political action

Lincoln Shlensky
PhD (UC Berkeley)
Department of English

Postcolonialism; Caribbean literature; Jewish and Middle Eastern Studies; diasporas

Nicole Shukin
PhD (Alberta)
Department of English

Biopolitics across species lines; decolonial and diasporic literatures and cultures (in Canada); cultural studies; environmental and energy humanities

Heidi Stark
PhD (Minnesota)
Department of Political Science

Indigenous comparative politics, Native diplomacy & treaty and Aboriginal rights

Megan Swift
PhD (Toronto)
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Russian modernism and post-modernism; Soviet and post-Soviet cultural history; children’s literature and book art; Russian Formalism; Bakhtin

James Tully
PhD (Cambridge)
Department of Political Science

Political philosophy; history of political philosophy; Canadian political theory; constitutional theory

Peyman Vahabzadeh
Department of Sociology
CSPT Director (2013-2016)

Classical and contemporary social theory; phenomenology; deconstruction; social movements; exile; violence and nonviolence; Iranian studies; poetry

Elizabeth Vibert
D.Phil (Oxford)
Department of History

Modern history; colonial identities; colonial gender and race relations; colonial travel literatures

R.B.J (Rob) Walker
PhD (Queen's)
Department of Political Science

Sovereignty and subjectivity; theories of modernity; exceptionalism; ideology and culture; international political theory; concepts of space and time in political thought

Andrew Wender

PhD (UVic)
Department of Political Science

Politics, society, and religion in the Middle East and worldwide; Political theory, religion, and philosophy, including comparative political theory and comparative religion.

Sarah Marie Wiebe

PhD (U of Ottawa)
School of Public Administration

Environmental justice, political ecology, community development and community engaged research

Audrey Yap
PhD (Stanford)
Department of Philosophy

Feminist Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, History of Mathematics and Logic (esp. 19th and 20th century)