
CSPT Visiting Fellows

The CSPT program welcomes the following Visiting Fellows to engage in our rich interdisciplinary research culture. Visiting Fellows have the opportunity to conduct important research projects, to interact with CSPT students and faculty, and to teach courses within the CSPT program.

Dr. Vanessa Jérome


PhD in Political Science & Sociology (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Université, Paris), certificate in ‘Administration of public policies’ (Cedis-Paris 1), and continuing education in Psychoanalysis (Séminaires psychanalytiques de Paris).


Political Science. Sociology. Gender Studies. Qualitative Methods. Biographical Approach. Intersectionnality. Political parties. Political militancy/Activism. Political careers. Territorial Public Policies. Feminism/Ecofeminism. Sexualities. Conjugalities. Sexual violence in politics.


Vanessa Jérome's latest research is dedicated to developing an understanding of sexual violence in politics. Her forthcoming book (Violences sexuelles en politique, Editions du Croquant) shows, in concrete cases, the interweaving of social, political, and partisan logics of this type of violence. It helps develop an understanding of the mechanisms of complicity and political loyalties which invite the silencing of the attacks and complicate their treatment by justice.

Unquestionably committed to academic life, Jérome is part of several research groups. She also has dedicated a large amount of her time to the Tepsis laboratory of excellence’s flagship project,  (). The development of this first free bilingual online platform for Historical and Social Sciences of Politics put Jérome in contact with researchers from the multidisciplinary laboratories that make up Tepsis and many colleagues abroad. As a project manager, she contributed to the production, editing, and online posting of notices, filmed interviews, and resources that make up the platform today.

Considering more than ever that politics is a ‘chair and bones’ activity, and engaging in the promotion of an open-minded (towards various types of discrimination) approach in political science, Jérome will dedicate this 2021/2022 CSPT fellowship towards exploring, from an intersectional perspective, all of the facets of what she calls ‘New (em) bodie·s in politics’.

Selected Publications

Most of Jérome's publications can be found on Academia.edu () and on Cairn international ().

Dr. Geoffrey Whitehall


PhD in Political Science (University of Hawaii, 2004), MA in CSPT (UVic, 1998), BA in Geography (Carleton University, 1996).


International Relations, Contemporary and Continental Political Theory, Popular Culture and World Politics, Political Theory of War and Peace, Subjectivity and Sovereignty, Biopolitics and Resistance, Discourses of Time and Space.



Selected Publications

“Warring Immunities: Scorched, Esposito, Beyond Catastrophe” in Antonio Calcagno and Inna Viriasova (Eds.) Roberto Esposito: Biopolitics and Philosophy (New York: Sunny Press, 2018)

“The Aesthetics of Triage: Towards life Beyond Survival” in Jennifer Lawrence and Sarah Wiebe, Eds.., Biopolitical Disaster (Routledge: London, 2017)

“The Paradox of Crisis and the Importance of Being Indifferent” in Nevzat Soguk and Scott Nelson, eds., Ashgate Research Companion to Modern Theory, Modern Power, World Politics (Surrey: Ashgate, 2016)

“Pre-emptive Global Biopolitics and the ProMED Network” in Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses (January, 2015)

“Movement and Human Logistics: pre-emption, technology and fascism” in Ried. J. and Evans. B., eds. Fascism in all its Forms (London: Routledge, 2013)

“The International Aesthetic of the Yasukuni Jinja and Yûshûkan Museum” in Shapiro. M., and Opondo. S., eds., Violent Cartographies: Mapping Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures of War and Identity  (New York: Routledge, 2012)

“The Aesthetic Emergency of the Avian flu Affect” in Bruce Magnusson and Zahi Zalloua. eds., Contagion. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, in association with Whitman College, 2012).

“Making Citizens in Magnaville Katrina Refugees and Neoliberal Self-Governance,” (with Cedric Johnson) in Cedric Johnston, ed., The Neoliberal Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, Late Capitalism, and the Remaking of New Orleans (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011)

“Preemptive Sovereignty and Avian States of Emergency” in Theory and Event Vol. 13 No 2, 2010