
Future students

Pathway over the mountains

CSPT student life: what to expect

The Cultural, Social and Political Thought (CSPT) program is built on the principles of inclusiveness and democratic participation. As a CSPT student, you'll play an important role in contributing to progressive values like respecting and upholding diversity, fostering equity, advocating egalitarianism, partaking in democratic citizenship and engaging with the world in a critical fashion.

You'll get more than just a comprehensive program of theoretical instruction. You'll be involved from the start in a community dialogue with other students, professors and supervisors, and those with whom you perform research. You are builders and constructors of knowledge and informed citizens of our city of the minds on the West Coast.

CSPT students are among the top-ranking students in the humanities and social sciences in Canada. They will be the future critical thinkers and educators of our society.

Whether you're interested in the MA or PhD program, check the application details and get ready to live an active student life as a CSPT student.

Student experiences: reflections and illuminations

Being part of CSPT provides a great opportunity to engage with different theoretical traditions and to connect with a large and diverse intellectual community. As well as supporting interdisciplinary research, CSPT fosters vibrant cross-disciplinary conversations and an invaluable exchange of ideas.

Katherine Burnett
Political Science (PhD), 2013 entry

CSPT opens the intellectual world up to new kinds of connections—ideas, people and resources beyond disciplinary barriers. The program is remarkably comprehensive: both a history of thought and a lucid approach to understanding the contemporary world. Yet it allows the flexibility and creative room for deep and focused explorations on your own terms. To me, the CSPT community feels like a privileged space like no other; a space that is continually changing with the intensity of the minds involved

Bijorn Ekeberg, PhD
Graduate of 2010 in Political Science and CSPT ()

The CSPT community at UVic is fantastic: dynamic, creative, and dedicated, intellectually curious, politically engaged. As a graduate from the program, I feel grateful that I had the chance to be exposed to the range of ideas and passions that marked those affiliated with CSPT. Interdisciplinarity became more than a trendy word: CSPT brings together students and scholars, from a variety of disciplines, who would not otherwise converse. A community of questioners is formed and mutual support develops. The experience continues, and no doubt will continue, to shape my work, and me.

Stephanie Clare, MA
Graduate of 2005 in English and CSPT ()