
the radius logo

The Radius is a bi-monthly digest of research news and updates in the Humanities at UVic, launched in October 2021. Its purpose is to collect and record the accomplishments of our faculty for internal dissemination within our community.

This submission form creates an accessible, centralized reporting system for members of our faculty to share updates with the Dean's office.

If you have questions or find that your news does not conform to the fields in this form, please email us at

Submission Forms


We welcome your feedack on this project! Please use to share your thoughts and suggestion with us.


The Radius November 2021

The Radius December 2021

The Radius February 2022

The Radius April 2022

The Radius June 2022

The Radius October 2022

The Radius December 2022

The Radius February 2023

The Radius April 2023

The Radius June 2023

The Radius October 2023