
Humanities Computing and Media Centre

The Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC) collaborates with researchers and instructors to further research, teaching and learning in the Faculty of Humanities.

They offer the following services, products, and resources at no cost for small-scale projects and at a negotiated rate for grant-funded projects:

1) Consultation on instructor and faculty research and/or teaching interests and the relevant technologies for furthering those interests;

2) Assistance with planning, budgeting and management of projects and grant proposals;

3) Computer-based products to further academic objectives, such as:

- Websites, including digital editions, maps or other visualizations, archives and instructional materials

- Web applications

- Online databases

- Application programs

- Galleries of audio, video, images, maps or other media;

4) Supervised workstations where researchers and research assistants can work alongside each other and the staff developers.

The HCMC has an international reputation in this work and its staff participate in scholarly conferences and related professional organizations and publish in relevant academic journals.