
Careers in the humanities

Ryan Tonkin

Philosophy alumnus Ryan Tonkin found his calling in advocacy law—he formed the Justice as Fairness Society and has worked with Pivot Legal Society and Together Against Poverty. After completing his law degree at Harvard, he could have pursued his doctoral studies anywhere. Instead, he chose to come home to UVic to be the first student in the new philosophy PhD program.

Aliki Marianakis at desk

UVic alumna Aliki Marianakis uses her linguistics education every day as the Indigenous Language Revitalization Program manager for UVic's Indigenous Education program.

Caroline Riedel holding artwork

Germanic and Slavic studies alumna Caroline Riedel is the curator at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Legacy Art Gallery.

Co-op student acting as your guide

Participating in international co-op placements, such as working as a tour guide at the Juno Beach Centre, Canada's Second World War museum and cultural centre in Normandy, France, prepares you for a world of career opportunities.

What can you do with a humanities degree?

A humanities degree opens doors into hundreds of different careers. It is also a common stepping stone towards a degree in business, law and other professional specializations. Our graduates have the skills to understand and develop solutions to the complex problems shaping the world around us.

UVic humanities prepares you for not only real-world workplace challenges, but also for a life rich in appreciation for the nuances of people and culture.

—Keddy Pavlik, BA Honours (English) 2014

Our alumni contribute to their communities and work in diverse positions across all sectors, here in Canada and across the world.

Some career options for humanities graduates:

  • Audiologist
  • Communications coordinator
  • Counsellor
  • Curator
  • Digital media specialist
  • Entrepreneur
  • Human resources coordinator
  • Legal professional
  • Librarian/archivist
  • Outreach worker
  • Policy analyst
  • Program manager
  • Public relations specialist
  • Teacher/curriculum planner
  • Translator/interpreter
  • Writer/editor

Possible careers related to departments or programs