

Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto

Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto

Kimonos, Kyoto, Japan. Photo by C. Poulton

Kimonos, Kyoto, Japan. Photo by C. Poulton

Schoolchildren, Aoi Festival, Kyoto, Japan. Photo by C. Poulton

Schoolchildren, Aoi Festival, Kyoto, Japan. Photo by C. Poulton

Natasha Fox (MA, 2013) at a wedding in Asuka, Japan

Natasha Fox (MA, 2013) at a wedding in Asuka, Japan

Welcome party for field school participants at Kinosaki International Arts Center, Kinosaki, Hyogo

Welcome party for field school participants at Kinosaki International Arts Center, Kinosaki, Hyogo

Fushimi Inari Taisha fox fountain

Fushimi Inari Taisha (伏見稲荷大社) is the head shrine of Inari, located in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Japan

The Japanese Language Program in the Department of Pacific and Asian Studies offers differing opportunities for our students to go to Japan in the summer.  If you are interested in long-term exchange opportunities, please apply through the office of .  

Please note that we need a minimum of five students to send as a group.  If there aren't enough students, we may ask our students to apply individually to these schools.  For the following programs, please submit the application forms to Ms. Mika Kimura

At present, our preferred program takes place at Konan University, in Kyoto, Japan. Students may study during the summer, for one term, or for nine months. Information on the summer program is below. For information on other options, please contact Ms. Mika Kimura.

Japanese language summer program at Konan University
Location Kobe, Japan
Length of study 6 weeks in June and July every year
Application deadline The middle or end of February every year (announced in class)
Eligibility UVic students who have completed PAAS 238 successfully or who are taking PAAS 238
Program fee Approximately $3500 (depending on the exchange rate) This includes tuition, textbooks, and other teaching materials, the cost for orientation sessions, transportation to and from the airport, hotel accommodation on the first day, transportation of baggage, daily transportation to and from Konan University and home stay.
What is not covered Airfare, travel insurance, lunch, and other personal expenses, etc.
Application procedure:
  • Submit the application form to Ms. Mika Kimura.
  • A selection procedure is followed.