
Taking courses at another institution as part of your UVic degree

The Department of Pacific and Asian Studies strongly encourages our students to study abroad as part of an exchange program or another opportunity; or, you may wish to take courses at another institution during your undergraduate education. We have a variety of exchange opportunities in China and Japan, but you may also study at another university or college by submitting a Letter of Permission. Letters of Permission are necessary if you wish to study at a school, either in Canada or abroad, with which UVic does not have a formal exchange agreement.

There are two options if you would like to study at another institution:

•    Participating in a formal exchange program
•    Studying on a Letter of Permission (including field and language schools which other
       institutions may operate)

Click here for general information from Advising on how international or transfer credit can work; or here for a more detailed flow chart of the process involved.

Students on exchange will work with their advisor to clarify exchange credit. Generally, we're familiar with the courses you might want to take, and so we can tell you in advance how many transfer credits you'll receive.

If submitting a Letter of Permission remember not all courses and programs are eligible for credit, so it is important to confirm the course you will be taking before you start studying.  A Letter of Permission will confirm whether a course is eligible and what transfer credit you will receive. You must complete this well in advance and arrange everything before you leave, so there won't be any surprises when you get back to UVic.  

From the Office of Global Engagement -

Global Partnerships

UVic has active partnership agreements with over 300 post-secondary institutions located worldwide. These partnerships enable students, staff and faculty to collaborate internationally and travel abroad for study, co-op, service learning, professional development and research opportunities.

Check UVic's current partnerships by viewing our:

International student services (ISS) exchange program

We encourage our students to participate in an exchange program at one of our international partners in Asia. 

Participants will:
•    Be supported by an exchange advisor prior to departure, while abroad, and on return
      to UVic
•    Gain international experience, while paying UVic tuition fees
•    Receive exchange credit, which can be applied to the UVic residency requirement

Students interested in the exchange program can review the information online or meet with an exchange advisor in International Student Services.

Letters of permission and transfer credit

Students taking courses at another institution (including field schools and language courses which other universities offer) do so on a Letter of Permission, issued by UVic prior to beginning studies. The letter will:

•    Confirm your enrolment at UVic and allow you to apply as a visiting student
•    Confirm credit eligibility towards your UVic degree
•    Clarify what transfer credit will be received for the courses you plan to take

Requests must be submitted before you begin courses and at least eight weeks in advance for international institutions.

Students can visit the Academic Advising Centre if they have questions regarding eligibility criteria, payment, or submission options for a Request for Letter of Permission form.