

Why Pacific and Asian Studies at UVic?

Our established graduate program attracts students from around the world. Our program is multidisciplinary, with an emphasis on analytical approaches to language, literature, history, theatre, film, religion, philosophy, politics, cultural and social issues and more.

We offer two program options and two study streams leading to an MA degree. To find out more about our department, read our Graduate Handbook.

Our participation in the co-op program and our extensive contacts in Asian countries encourage student travel and study abroad.

Our graduate program features:

  • Supportive academic environment: Our experienced faculty members take on a small number of students and offer superior mentoring, leadership and training.
  • Flexibility: We offer two ways to get an MA degree: a long thesis option and a short thesis option.
  • Consistent funding support: Our students have been successful in obtaining SSHRC MA fellowships, CAPI travel grants, research grants and internships, co-op placements, university grants and bursaries and other external sources of funding.
  • Focused research training: Our students get solid training in humanities research methods and opportunities to consider social science approaches.
  • Intimate, subtle approaches to detailed research into Asia: Our MA program is not only an excellent gateway to advanced study at the doctoral level, it's also a great project to itself. It can help you fulfill an ambition, study something you are passionate about or achieve something personally meaningful.