
Student society (PASS)

Pacific and Asian Studies annual Speech Contest

PASS (Pacific-Asian Students' Society) is an active student group involved in organizing many different activities throughout the year. They plan an annual Chinese New Year's dinner, movie nights, bake sales, the Asian language speech contest, cultural excursions and more.  PASS also provides opportunities for students to get involved and to support their peers in many different ways.

Want to make your time in Pacific and Asian Studies even more exciting and rewarding? Join PASS!

                                          2022 Executive Team
Title Name
President and Undergraduate Representative Hailey Matthew
Vice-President Alex Martens
Treasurer Ming Kwang 
Social Media Coordinator Alex Martens
Social Media Director Facebook Hailey Matthew
Equity Representative Olivia Didrich 
Executive Ming Liang Kwang
Executive Chris Wong
Executive Emma Wong
Executive Wae-Shan Goh 

Bi-weekly Virtual Movies Night via Discord.

Every Tuesday and Friday @ 7pm

Discord Link:


instagram: passuvic