

Nicole Sorochan and Chandler Vandergrift with Muslim School children in Thailand. Nicole and Chandler raised funds to shoot a documentary film in Southern Thailand.
Nicole Sorochan and Chandler Vandergrift with Muslim School children in Thailand. Nicole and Chandler raised funds to shoot a documentary film in Southern Thailand.

As part of our degree program, we encourage students to gain practical work experience and to travel to the Asia-Pacific region. Students can take advantage of our excellent language exchange programs, the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives' internship program, or travel or work opportunities in Asia to gain skills that are highly desired in the workplace.

UVic also offers career guidance and support at . You can get one-on-one career guidance, career development workshops, help with on-line job searching and testing to discover your competencies and skill-set.

What is co-op?

At UVic, learning extends beyond the classroom. Through our , students alternate terms in class with paid work terms in positions related to their fields of study. Co-op is collaborative—students, employers and the university all play a part.

Because you have gained practical, real-world experience during your work term, co-op allows you to develop skills that will serve you well in the workplace. Many Pacific and Asian Studies undergraduate students have registered with the co-op program, and they find it allows them to gain important work experience, and pay the bills, while they are completing their degree.

Discover co-op

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Develop your career

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  • Explore , and  resources
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Are you interested in a co-op term abroad?

UVic co-operative education program helps you to .