
Grad Council


Each academic year Pacific and Asian Studies has one graduate student representative that participates in the Grad Council (GRC). This representative attends meetings, addresses non-departmental student concerns, housing, MSP (insurance) and other issues. They also plan activities for grad students through the Graduate Students Society. The GRC is a great resource and a great place for grad students to connect with others! All grad students are invited to attend the monthly meetings and are encouraged to reach out the department representative.

The Grad Council (GRC) – From the website

The Grad Council (GRC) is comprised of one representative ("Grad Rep") from each academic unit with a graduate program at UVic, the five member GSS executive Board, and a representative of CUPE 4163 (representing sessionals and teaching and research assistants). The grad Council meets monthly on Tuesdays at 5pm. 

Representatives to the GRC are elected by students within their respective department each September.

Each Grad Rep serves on a subcommittee of the GRC. GSS committees help to carry out the goals and directives of the GRC. Committees have seats for members at large, and participation in a GRC committee is a key way to influence decisions made by your student society.