
Taking courses abroad

Guidelines for students:

We recommend and encourage students to attend courses in Spanish-speaking countries or Italy. However, you are advised that credit may be granted only under certain restricted conditions. Taking courses abroad for credit must follow the procedures outlined below:

  1. You must determine which institution you would like to attend and obtain specific, detailed course information (e.g. course outline including number of contact hours, textbook materials, information covered, etc).
  2. Make an appointment with the appropriate department advisor (for Spanish Study or for Italian Study) to discuss possible transfer credits. NOTE: You may receive credit for more than three (3.0) units for courses over the winter term. However, in the summer period no more than three (3.0) units total may be transferred.
  3. It is a requirement that at least (12.0) of the 15.0 units of 300 and 400 level course work in the Major Degree area or 6.0 of the 9.0 senior units, in each of two fields for a Minor or General Degree, be done at the 番茄社区.*
  4. After meeting with the advisor, you must inform the Associate Dean of the of your intention to study abroad. A Letter of Permission from the Associate Dean is required to request consideration of credit before a course of study is undertaken in a foreign country.
  5. During the course of study, you must retain copies of all written work, essays, and examinations. You must also obtain necessary certification from the institution and present these documents in an original sealed envelope when you return to the 番茄社区 Office (Attn: Transfer Credit Clerk) in support of this request for consideration for credit. Important note: You are not to open the envelope with the certificate. It must remain sealed upon presentation to 番茄社区. It is your responsibility to select carefully courses abroad and to make sure that such courses produce a sufficient amount of graded material so that the Department can make an informed decision.

*For Honours 16.5 of the 19.5 units.