

Our faculty members are engaged in a variety of research activities, from publications and conference presentations to mentoring and student support through research grants.

They are also engaged in research collectives such as the Latin America Research Group and .

Read about some of their recent and current projects:

Marina (Maria) Bettaglio: A cultural comparativist, I currently conduct research on gender, postfeminism, and mothering studies in contemporary Spanish and Italian culture...

MarinaB 2017


...I have written on high and popular culture, on canonical authors such as Lope de Vega and Pirandello, and on contemporary Spanish and Italian writers, journalists, cultural commentators, and bloggers.  I have presented papers at international conferences in Europe, Latin America, and North America.

Dr. M. Bettaglio's page

Pablo Restrepo Gautier: I am currently exploring a group of 17th-century Spanish plays where women engage in traditional male occupations ...


Restrepo Gautier

...These plays have a great deal to say about what it meant to be a woman or a man, back then and now. I am also continuing to study the production of laughter in short Golden Age plays, called entremeses. What or who makes us laugh? Why do we laugh? What does our sense of humor reveal about us? These are the types of questions I try to answer in my research.

Prof. Pablo Restrepo Gautier's page

Dan Russek: My academic research has revolved around the links between modern Latin American literature and the visual arts and media ...


Dan Russek

...My new research project explores the relations between modern technology, culture and Latin American literature, and centers on the introduction of electricity and its aesthetic and cultural impact. My latest publication is an article on Mexican cinema -- "Soledad y solidaridad en el cine mexicano reciente: en torno a Japón (2000), Párpados azules (2007) y Perpetuum Mobile (2009)" -- published in the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (Spring 2013).

Prof. Dan Russek's page

Gabriela McBee: I have completed a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction in the Faculty of Education. My doctoral research is on indigenous knowledge with a focus on indigenous women elders from Latin America and their teachings ...


Gabriela McBee

...I have a BC Teacher Certificate and a Master of Arts in Hispanic literature. My fieldwork has taken me back to Cuba, where I was born, and Mexico, where I grew up, to do research with elders in Taíno and Mazatec communities.

I teach Spanish language courses in the department. I enjoy teaching a second language and always strive to inspire students to persist and continue improving their skills. Being able to communicate in a language other than the native one can open doors to unique and interesting possibilities!

Prof. Gabriela McBee's page