
Career paths

Students riding horses during an excursion in Ecuador.
Studying abroad will prepare you for careers around the world! Immerse yourself in a new culture and gain valuable life skills. These students are on an excursion in Ecuador.

What can I do with a Hispanic Studies Degree?

Learning another language offers a variety of benefits. Knowledge of other cultures and fluency of languages enhances your understanding of the world. Hispanic and Italian Studies encourages students to analyze, write theoretically, and develop a passion for other cultures and languages. Our graduates end up with sophisticated skills in critical thinking and analysis, oral and written communication, and are highly marketable upon venturing into the local and international workforce.

Co-op for Hispanic and Italian Studies students

Co-op helps you start building your career while you're still at university. It's designed to work around your academic courses, so you'll complement what you're learning in class with practical workplace experience.

Co-op enables you to try out a range of jobs before you graduate; gain work experience and skills; and make connections with employers. And you get paid for the experience! 

You can also work internationally as a co-op student, and funding is available to support students on international co-op work terms. 


Opportunity awaits!

​As a graduate of Hispanic Studies you'll be prepared for career opportunities in areas such as the civil service, the non-profit sector, the arts, and the business world. A degree in Spanish may be your stepping-stone to graduate studies in Canada or abroad, or towards another professional degree such as education, law, or medicine.

More information from UVic Co-op + Career Services


Meet our alumni

Sarah Stratton

Enrolled in Professional Patisserie program (Barcelona)

In January 2020 I moved to Huelva, Spain in hopes of travelling, learning about the culture and solidifying my language skills. It was an amazing journey, rich with travel, joy and adventure until the pandemic began. Even so, working as an au pair during the pandemic, I gained a lot of insight into the Spanish culture in a way I never expected. Read more

BA in Hispanic Studies (2020), Certificate in Language & Cultural Proficiency in Italian (2020)

Emily Braden

Professional Vocalist

Emily Braden is a professional vocalist in New York City who performs regularly with an Afro-Cuban band and sings and composes in Spanish. She previously worked as a bilingual research interviewer at the Hebrew Home for the Aged and for three years at a fully bilingual syringe exchange in upper Manhattan. Read more

BA in Latin American Studies (2005), MA in Hispanic Studies (2008)

Meghan Casey

Marketing and Fundraising Coordinator
Aga Khan Foundation Canada

Meghan writes compelling online content that engages Canadians in the international development work the Aga Khan Development Network does in Africa and Asia. She is also responsible for interviewing and profiling Canadian volunteers and fundraisers as well as updating and maintaining the website for AKFC's flagship fundraising event, the World Partnership Walk. Read more

BA in Hispanic & Italian Studies, BA in Applied Linguistics, Minor in Professional Writing (2015)

Kristina Zoller

Associate Project Manager, Wekimun Project
University of Prince Edward Island & Global Affairs Canada

Kristina supports an intercultural, interdisciplinary and international cultural revitalization project where she works with a team of professionals from Chile and Canada to design, implement and maintain a school for and with Indigenous youth and their communities. Read more

BA Psychology, minor in Hispanic Studies (2009)

Daniel Zeldin

International Strategic Enrolment Manager
Camosun College

Daniel recently moved back to Victoria from Guadalajara, Mexico, to assume the role of International Strategic Enrolment Manager at Camosun College. After spending the better part of the last decade living, working, studying and travelling in different parts of Latin America, he now oversees the areas of marketing, recruitment, and admissions at Camosun International.  Read more

BA in Hispanic & Italian Studies (2007)

Emily Pearson

Global Lead for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning
CUSO International

Emily is responsible for putting in place and managing the systems, processes and tools needed to monitor and evaluate CUSO International’s largest volunteer sending project. This project works in 17 different countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Read more

BA in Hispanic Studies (2008), MA in Hispanic Studies (2010)

Erik Mitbrodt

Personal Injury Lawyer
Chung & Associates

As a personal injury lawyer, Erik negotiates with insurers and opposing counsel to obtain optimal settlement outcomes for clients. He also manages files from initial client interview to settlement, commences, manages and navigates litigation process. Read more

BA in Hispanic Studies and Anthropology (2006)

Reanna McMillan

First Nations Relations Advisor
BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operations and Rural Development

Reanna has spent the last several years working with a UVic founded organization called Mosqoy where she was able to travel to Peru, work with marginalized Indigenous communities, and support educational and poverty reduction initiatives. She is now a First Nations Relations Advisor for B.C's Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. Read more

BA in Anthropology with minor in Hispanic Studies (2010)

Julia Mais

Senior Coordinator
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants

As a Senior Coordinator with the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), Julia develops resources for newcomers in Ontario. Her responsibilities include writing content for the award-winning Settlement.Org website and directing the site’s communication strategy. Read more

BA in Hispanic Studies with minor in History (2007)