
Language placement

Need help with the appropriate course level to enrol in?
  • Students with no previous knowledge of Spanish, please register in our beginner courses, SPAN 100A or SPAN 149
  • Students who have experience with the Spanish language but are unsure of their level of ability, please contact our Undergraduate Advisor.
Language Placement Test

Follow these 3 steps and contact our Undergraduate Advisor with your results.

1). Start the placement test: 
 Once you click to start your test, you will see the image below. Scroll down the list until you see  'Instructions in English'.

2). The test may take 1 - 2 hours and has several sections: listening, reading, writing, structures and vocabulary. Complete every section and TAKE A SCREEN SHOT OF THE RESULTS FOR EACH ONE OF THE SECTIONS. Each one of these results will place you anywhere between level A1 and level C2. This will help us determine which Spanish class is the best one for you.

3). Send the screenshots with your results to our Undergraduate Advisor who will advise you on the appropriate course.

Example of a result page:
