
Auditing a course in Hispanic & Italian Studies

Auditing a course means attending it informally, without receiving academic credit. You may audit up to 3.0 units of undergraduate courses in a session (typically two courses of 1.5 units each).

How to audit our Spanish or Italian Courses:

  1. You must receive permission from the instructor offering SPAN or ITAL courses in order to audit it.
  2. Complete the Auditor Class Entry Forms and bring it to your instructor for signature on the first day of classes.
  3. To register, return the signed form to the Office of the Registrar or to studentsupport@uvic.ca
  4. You may attend classes prior to being registered as an auditor. You may need to request that your instructor grants you access to online resources.
Find general information on auditing courses and fees through UVIC Student Services.