
Constelaciones - Undergrad Journal

 We have a new name!

As our publication continues to grow and evolve, so too does our understanding of decolonization and best practices to move forward in a spirit of reconciliation and allyship. With that said, we are pleased to announce that we have chosen a new title for our journal, Constelaciones. We feel that this title is a more inclusive one, representative of the myriad perspectives we strive to reflect in our study of the Hispanic, Italian, and Latin American Indigenous worlds.

-Tara Matthews & Lily Trithart, Co-Editors-in-Chief (2022-23)


We are a student led committee that reviews, edits and publishes an annual journal featuring Spanish, Italian and English papers written by undergrads. This is a great opportunity to advance your editing skills, enhance your resume and meet new people! Multiple roles and positions available!

Submissions for our spring publication are from undergraduate students of all disciplines who may have academic essays, poems, creative writing, or visual art media following any themes pertaining to the Hispanic, Italian, and/or Indigenous Latin American world. Papers may be written in English, Spanish, or Italian.

We are very excited to have this opportunity to include works from different corners of the world as a way to connect our undergraduate students and further our knowledge of the Hispanic and Italian universe. If you know of any students who would be interested in submitting, spread the word! This would be greatly appreciated.

The selection process is completely anonymous.