
Undergraduate policies

This area provides an introduction to SCYC specific policies. The  is an essential resource for policies applying to both the graduate and undergraduate programs.

Policy on deferrals

  1. It is the School of Child and Youth Care’s policy that, in order to be considered for deferred status, students must:

    1. have completed at least 50% of the coursework at the time the deferral is requested
    2. have met with the course instructor and agreed on dates for the submission of the outstanding work. The dates are to be recorded in the student's file. School policy on the submission of assignments (and penalties) applies to these dates.
    3. have submitted a request for academic concession form to Record Services with appropriate support documentation no later than 10 days after the end of the examination period for that term.
  2. University policy requires that deferred grades be submitted no later than the end of the term following the session in which the deferral is granted. There will be no exceptions made to this policy.

  3. The instructor who was responsible for the section of the course in which the student was registered is responsible to grade the deferred work provided it is submitted within the time period set by the university. The instructor is not expected to provide course materials or tutorials to students whose grade was deferred.

Policy on assignments


  1. Each assignment is due on the specified date. University policies state that extensions will be given only in situations of medical or family emergency with instructor consultation before the due date for the assignment. If, due to extenuating circumstances, you are unable to meet an assignment due date, you must negotiate a formal extension before the original assignment deadline with your instructor specifying the conditions for completion of the assignment. (In case of illness, documentation by a physician may be required.)
    1. Assignments after any due date without negotiation will drop five percentage points per day late and after three days will be graded “0”.
    2. Extensions will normally not exceed one week beyond the assignment due date.
    3. The instructor has final discretion on granting extensions.
    4. Grounds for granting extensions will usually be limited to family and medical emergencies.
  2. Assignments with a new negotiated due date need to be submitted to the instructor with a date stamp (when turned in to the front office counter) or email/drop-box submission date no later than the negotiated date or they will not be accepted. Students may be asked to provide medical proof or other substantiating documents for papers with new negotiated due dates. Grade deferrals will only be considered in extreme, documented circumstances.
  3. You must complete all assignments and requirements to pass each course. A letter grade of "N" will be given if any assignment has not been received by the completion of the course and for which you have not negotiated an extension with your instructor. This is calculated as “0” in your grade point average (GPA).

Note: Students are required to abide by all academic regulations listed in the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Calendar – Undergraduate

Policy on class attendance

Attendance at class lectures, seminars and/or within course websites, discussions and activities is critically important, especially given the high degree of experiential learning in most courses. Other commitments should not be allowed to interfere with this part of your learning.

Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. Non-attendance could be interpreted as indicating difficulties with professional suitability. Therefore, before the beginning of class on any given day, please let your instructor know if you are unable to attend a class.

Policy on course outlines

Course outlines are required documents for course challenges and may be required when applying to other institutions and graduate schools. It is important that you keep your course syllabus for documentation of your course description, content and readings.

We do not keep copies of all course outlines. There is a $25.00 administration fee charged for copies of archived course outlines.

Policy on grades

Students whose sessional grade point average falls below 3.00 or who fail to receive a C+ grade or higher in any core child and youth care or other required course may be required to withdraw from the program.

See the Faculty of Human and Social Development guidelines for review of assigned grades for a full description of the grade review process.

Guidelines for professional conduct

All students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development are subject to the provisions of the codes of ethics of their respective professions, and may be required to withdraw from the school and/or their practicum for violating these provisions.

A copy of the Child and Youth Care Association of British Columbia and Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia codes of ethics can be reviewed at the following websites:  and . It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these as soon as possible.

Please familiarize yourself with the HSD Guidelines for Professional Conduct.

We expect CYC graduate students to develop and adhere to a professional code of conduct. We support models for professional conduct based on the following guidelines:

  • submitting to a professional code of ethics
  • exercise of personal discipline, accountability, and judgment
  • acceptance of personal responsibility for continued competency and learning
  • willingness to serve the public, client or patient and place them before yourself
  • ability to recognize the dignity and worth of all persons in any level of society
  • willingness to assist others in learning
  • ability to recognize your own limitations
  • maintenance of confidentiality of information appropriate to the purposes and trust given when that information was acquired
  • acceptance that your professional abilities, personal integrity, and the attitudes you demonstrate in relationships with other persons are the measure of professional conduct.

Unprofessional conduct

CYC graduate students are subject to the code of ethics of their respective profession. You may be required to withdraw from the school for violating them. You may also be required to withdraw when ethical, medical or other reasons interfere with satisfactory practice in your discipline.
