
Student resources

UVic students

SCYC diversity statement

The School of Child and Youth Care fosters a welcoming and positive learning, teaching and working environment for all its members. We support the principles of equity, inclusion and the respect for diversity. In all aspects of your participation within the School of Child and Youth Care, it is expected that you will incorporate the principles of respect for diversity, inclusion, and equity. It is expected that your class participation will demonstrate:

  1. An understanding of and ability to apply concepts relating to cultural diversity, related forms of discrimination and social justice;
  2. A critical and comprehensive understanding of your own social locations;
  3. An ability to think and work effectively within and across diversities;
  4. An integration of these cultural competencies into your practice with children, youth, families and communities.

Over the course of enrollment in the School of Child and Youth Care program of study, it is expected that students will:

  1. Understand and apply concepts relating to cultural diversity, related forms of discrimination and social justice;
  2. Demonstrate a critical and comprehensive understanding of their own social locations;
  3. Demonstrate an ability to practice effectively within and across diversities, and integrate cultural competencies into practice with children, youth and families, and communities.

Tips for helping students resolve concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about a current course, practicum, or instructor, here are some tips for helping you to resolve your concerns in a constructive and professional way:

  1. Always try to resolve issues by communicating directly with the course or practicum instructor
  2. Remember that working out differences, clarifying misunderstandings, and expressing concerns are all part of professional development
  3. Discussing your concerns with a trusted third party may be an important first step, but make sure you always make a point of communicating directly with your instructor about your specific concerns
  4. For on-campus students, try to meet with your instructor in-person. You may find it useful to bring a written summary of your concerns to ensure that your conversation stays on track.  You may also choose to forward this summary via email before the meeting. Feel free to bring a support person along to your meeting (e.g. undergraduate student advisor, practicum coordinator, or student peer such as a member of the CYC student society). Sending a follow-up email which summarizes your understanding of the meeting, including any support offered, may help to clarify any potential misunderstandings
  5. For distance students, begin by emailing your instructor your concern(s).  If you have examples or documentation, please consider including these in your email.   If you have some ideas about how your concern may be resolved, please include those as well.  If you and your instructor decide to meet via telephone, you may find it helpful to summarize your understanding of the discussion in a follow-up email
  6. Faculty of Human & Social Development supports for Indigenous students are changing. Visit HSD Indigenous Student Support Centre for more information.
  7. Be aware of other student support services/resources on campus (e.g. Student Counselling Services, Health Services, Centre for Accessible Learning, )
  8. When differences/concerns cannot be resolved between the student and instructor, students are encouraged to send an email to the Director describing the situation, including the steps they have taken to resolve the issue. If your concern is related to an assigned grade, the HSD Procedures for Review of an Assigned Grade document may prove very useful.
  9. If you are feeling overwhelmed by a medical illness, accident or family emergency, and you are enrolled in multiple courses, contact the or the Director. They can assist with coordinating communications among your instructors. If necessary, you may choose to apply for an academic concession.
  10. Finally, in all of your verbal and written communications with CYC staff and instructors, take a moment to remind yourself of the importance of maintaining a respectful and professional tone at all times.

Please be aware, under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, an individual can request university records, including emails containing information about them. What you write about another person may be subject to a request under FIPPA.

Get involved in your community

Get involved in committees and events

Becoming involved in school events and committees can help you meet both social and academic/professional needs. By linking up with other students and faculty, you'll be establishing important relationships that will provide you with a support network.

School of Child and Youth Care (SCYC) Student Society online community

Stay connected through the SCYC Student Society online community. All SCYC students are automatically added to the site at the beginning of term.

Join us in our online  to share ideas, keep up with community activities and build connections beyond the classroom.

Current students can access the site through Brightspace. You’ll see it listed with your courses. Visit often and participate in a dialogue of information and sharing communication. Employment opportunities are also listed. 

If you are interested in a position with the SCYC Student Society, connect with current board members through the online community site.

Get involved in your community

Professional Associations

"What is the benefit to me?" is the question most often asked by child and youth care professionals when asked if they belong to a professional association. It's a valid question.

The answer is: There are professional and personal benefits.  (CYCABC) supports you and you support quality work on behalf of the profession and the field.

Partnerships and professional affiliations

We are committed to furthering child and youth care partnerships in education, research and improved practice throughout British Columbia and beyond.

Examples of our current partnerships and affiliations include:


  •  (HELP)
  • Research in Education And Child Health (REACH)
  • Child and Youth Care Education Consortium of British Columbia

Other professional connections:

  • Council of Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations

Need assistance?

Undergraduate academic advisors

Not sure what courses you need to take and in what order? Wondering if you should have received credit for courses that you have taken at another college or university? Do you need help planning your courses? Do you want to know if you are ready to graduate? Contact our for assistance.

UVic Counselling Services

Do you need additional support to succeed at university? At UVic Counselling Services, counselors provide a confidential atmosphere in which students can explore any topic or situation and discuss any concerns they may have. They'll help you work through your problems, to develop self-awareness, and to overcome problems by using new strategies. Visit the Counselling Services website for more information.

Support for Indigenous students

We welcome all Indigenous students to UVic and the School of Child and Youth Care. We hope that you will be comfortable and feel welcomed to this learning environment.

UVic provides a variety of support and connection services. Learn more about support for Indigenous students in the Faculty of Human and Social Development. You may also find the following links valuable:

Students with disabilities

The Centre for Accessible Learning helps students with a disability maximize their participation in university life. If you have a disability, it's best to contact the centre before the beginning of term to discuss ways in which you may best be aided.

There’s a wheelchair-access washroom in the HSD computer lab. Ground floor access to the lab is via the Ring Road entrance to the HSD building, on the main floor.

Student Mental Health

International Student Supports

International Academic Success Program

International Centre for Students

You may also find "tips for helping students resolve concerns" useful.

SCYC distance AND on-campus student resources and support

Indigenous Student Support

Online student community site

The School of Child and Youth Care student online community site is a link to your SCYC student community and activities. All SCYC students are automatically added to the site at the beginning of term.

To access the site,  and select Child and Youth Care Student Society from your list of courses. Visit often and participate in a dialogue of information and sharing communication. Employment opportunities are also listed on this site.

Virtual Centre for Student Learning, "" website, provides resources to support you as a distance student. Contact the Computer Help Desk if you encounter technical challenges throughout your course.

CYC-related websites

Other professional child and youth care resources

Professional associations

"What's the benefit to me?" is the question most often asked by child and youth care professionals when asked if they belong to a professional association. It's a valid question. We understand that you want to know what your membership investment represents.

The answer is: there are professional and personal benefits. The  supports you and you support quality work on behalf of the profession and the field.

Related links:

UVic computer labs (on-campus)

It’s a good idea to get to know the computing labs on campus. Computer time is available to all students with a valid ID card.

 are located in the Human and Social Development , Business and Economics, and the Clearihue buildings. The Computer Help Desk is in Clearihue A004, phone 250-721-7687. Please check the labs for hours of operation as they vary from term to term.

The computer labs are very popular. They can get extremely crowded, especially during the end of term when major papers become due. Ask the computer lab technicians about slower times of day, or be willing to stand in line for a free computer.

Online Help Desk

If you have any technical or connectivity problems with your online course technology or questions about the technology’s functions throughout the course, please contact the Computer Help Desk.

Communications lab practice space

Communications labs (HSD B147, B141, B103, and B121)

SCYC provides space for students to work on and record their individual, groups and family lab skills and assignments.  Students are expected to provide their own method of recording (e.g. tablets, laptop, video camera) and to provide the final recordings to their instructors as per instructions provided within their class.  NOTE: Camcorders and tripods are available for through the McPherson library.

Communications recording lab usage policies:

Booking labs:
  • To book one of the lab rooms, write your name in the appropriate time slot on the sign-out sheet outside each room. The front office staff do not book labs for students.
  • The labs are not normally available on weekends or statutory holidays.
  • Keys can be retrieved from the CYC front office.
  • Students must go directly to the labs after collecting keys. Keys are not to leave the school area or the HSD building.
Using the labs:
  • Food and beverages are not permitted in the labs.
  • Lock doors everytime you leave the labs.
  • Personal belongings and room equipment are not secure in unattended and unlocked labs.
When you’ve finished:
  • Return keys directly to the office when you are finished with them. Do not pass them on to the next user. Students who sign out lab rooms are responsible for the keys and the lab until finished and keys are returned to the office.
  • Be sure the doors to the labs are locked when you are finished.
  • Lights should be turned off, including the "in use" lights outside each lab. For the inside light switch, red is on and green is off.

Online Tools: valuable student information

You can check your records by logging on to Online Tools, where you’ll find information on:

  • courses, grades and registration access dates
  • transfer credit details
  • address view/change
  • account balance/details
  • unofficial transcripts
  • admission inquiries

Notification of grades

Grade notification is sent from UVic Records Services for UVic registrants, and from Thompson River University (TRU) Records Services for TRU registrants.

The only release of final grades to students will be the official notification they receive from Records Services.

For courses ending in December, UVic Records Services will post grade results online within a few days after they receive them. Results from TRU Records Services will be mailed during the last week of January.

For courses ending in April, UVic Records Services will post grade results online for students within a few days after they receive them. Results from TRU Records Services will be mailed during the first week of June.

For courses during summer session, UVic Records Services will post grade results online for students within a few days after they receive them. Results from TRU Records Services will be mailed at varying times, up to and including the first week of September.