
International practicums

Many CYC students have traveled extensively and developed an interest in international child and youth care. Others have developed this interest through their course work or involvement with international agencies like the Red Cross, Canadian International Development Agency or the United Nations.

If you have an interest in international child and youth care we encourage you to develop these interests further through an international practicum. To be eligible you must have successfully completed all required and elective courses in the child and youth care program.

These practicums are only offered in a block format. They can take place in any country that’s considered safe, and where there’s access to technology (specifically email and web access). You’ll be required to do thorough research on your country of choice and the agency where you’ll be placed.

The 411 Advanced Practicum course is demanding at the best of times and, coupled with the adjustment of being in a foreign country, is an option that should only be considered by the experienced, self-motivated and skilled student who works well with minimal supervision.

An international practicum places unique demands upon the student, the most important of which is the demand to integrate learned knowledge, skills and self-awareness into a totally new setting with little time for assimilation and accommodation.

Paula Klassen and Nashira Birch have written an international practicum manual based on their international experiences – before, during and after. We hope that their journey will answer some of your questions and give you more to think about.

The application deadline for international practicums is different than other practicums. Your practicum request form, resume, and application package are due by March 15 for a January practicum, and by September 15 for a May practicum. A committee of internationally-experienced CYC faculty members will review the applications and interview each applicant before final acceptance is given.

How to apply

The application package includes:

  1. A practicum request form (located in the CYC Practicum Portal on Brightspace)
  2. A letter of intent -- an essay on why an overseas practicum placement is an appropriate choice. It must include:

    • a self-evaluation on what personal attributes you possess which would assist you in working internationally
    • a description of relevant experiences and how they will contribute to, and enhance, your international practice;
    • an explanation of how you are going to tap into the resources of the country/community you are visiting
    • an explanation of how you will connect with the local knowledge
  3. Agency information:

    • name of agency
    • name of contact person/supervisor
    • agency’s address, phone number, email, fax, website
    • type of agency, kind of services, client, population
  4. Budget projection that includes:

    • tuition fees and course materials
    • transportation costs to and from placement
    • required inoculations
    • health insurance coverage
    • extended/emergency health insurance for your placement
    • visas for practicum placement (if applicable)
    • accommodation
    • daily living expenses (food, transportation, web access)
    • personal supplies
    • passport expenses
    • other incidentals

If you’re interested in doing an international practicum, please send an email to cycpract@uvic.ca after reading the international practicum manual.