
Criminal Record Check

A current Criminal Record Check (CRC) must be on file with the School of Child and Youth Care before you can begin any practicum. BC CRCs are valid for five years from the point of issue so if you have provided a CRC within the past four years, you should not need to re-apply.

Criminal Record Checks for Practicum within BC

The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø is required to adhere to the BC Criminal Records Review Act.

The Act states: "An educational institution must ensure that every registered student who will work with children or work with vulnerable adults undergoes a criminal record check."

All students who reside in BC and/or plan to complete a practicum placement in BC will be required to undergo a Criminal Record Check through the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. This Criminal Record Check is required even if you have had a recent check completed for some other purpose. It is strongly recommended that students complete this process at the time of admission. Failure to complete this process will prohibit students from beginning their placement. Check the Practicum Portal for the link to the online application site and access code.

Students can request a Criminal Record Check by using the online link and access code found on the CYC Practicum Portal.

Please Note: Students who have not developed a credit history, or have not lived in Canada for the last two years will be sent another application form. This form needs to be printed, signed, and brought to the School or sent directly to the Practicum Coordinator along with a copy of your photo ID. Any questions can be directed to cycpract@uvic.ca

Practicum Outside of BC

If you do not reside in BC and do not intend to complete a practicum in this province, you will not be required to complete the process above. You will, however, have to meet any individual agency or provincial requirements regarding criminal records checks. Again, students are encouraged to begin this process early.