
National Centre For Indigenous Laws

Conceptual Image of the NCIL expansion, seen from the South Forest
A conceptual drawing of the NCIL expansion, seen from the South Forest

Project Management Services has contracted a professional consulting team and engaged with campus stakeholders to develop the design for this new expansion and renovation to the Fraser Law building. The expansion will support the new JD/JID program, first of its kind, a four year program welcoming 100 new students to UVic. The design will be inspired by Coast Salish Society and the Host Peoples, and be a welcoming space for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples from all over the world.

From Val Napoleon, Director of the JD/JID program and Law Foundation Chair of Indigenous Justice and Governance:

“This physical structure represents a sanctuary where our laws, which enable us to be peoples, will be safe, and where both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students will learn about those laws, creating the foundation to a multi-juridical Canada”

The project is currently in the design phase, with construction expected to begin in 2022, and completion being reached in summer 2024.


Highlights Vision