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Learning and action in UVic gallery

October 28, 2022

Submitted on behalf of Legacy Art Galleries.

In early 2021, UVic Legacy Art Galleries began holding regular check-in meetings as a way for staff to learn about and address issues relating to anti-racism and decolonization in museums.

Much work is needed to respond to calls to action relating to decolonization, anti-racism and equity. As a public facing entity the gallery is uniquely positioned to demonstrate UVic's commitment to equity and strives to be responsive through exhibitions and programs.

The meetings

The goal of the Anti-Racism Accountability Check-in Meetings is to begin to do the work to understand systemic inequities, promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and begin to decolonize the way that we work within the university's art museum.

As Legacy Art Galleries Acting Director, Caroline Riedel states “We are working to address issues around museums as colonial institutions and respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action and the Scarborough Charter. In addition, our staff at Legacy is currently comprised mainly of settlers working in a relatively hierarchical structure. We know we need to ‘do the work’ to decolonize all aspects of our professional practice, our collections and our exhibitions and programs. We recognize this is no small task.”

In these check in meetings, staff or guest speakers present on a given topic and the team strategizes ways to take action to affect meaningful and lasting change. Having regular meetings ensures continued learning and team action. These accountability check-ins ensure that we are all active in learning and in affecting positive change.

Learn more

Contact Caroline Riedel, Acting Director, UVic Legacy Art Galleries at criedel@uvic.ca