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Pilot of EAP implementation tools

April 27, 2023

Submitted on behalf of Equity and Human Rights.

This April, seven units across the 番茄社区 signed up to participate in a pilot of the Equity Action Plan (EAP) Implementation Framework. Over the next couple of months these groups will be testing a handful of resources designed to support them in determining what actions they can be taking to advance the EAP.

The framework

Since the Equity Action Plan was launched last fall, Equity and Human Rights have been designing tools to support faculties, departments and units in the work necessary to advance the actions laid out in the EAP.

The draft framework sets out six phases. In the first phase, ‘Get Started,’ units will review the entire Equity Action Plan and then determine which actions the unit will contribute to through supporting activities. The other phases make up a cycle through which each individual activity will be planned, put in motion, assessed and reflected upon. In recognition that breaking down barriers to equity requires bold creative change and challenging our existing ways of working, the cycle is meant to be iterative, meaning that units can go through phases again and again to refine, adjust and build out their activities.

Importantly, the framework also includes four principles: equity, diversity, inclusion and accountability, which are meant to lead the decisions and actions units take as they move through the phases of implementation.

The pilot

Units participating in the pilot project have until the end of August to work through the tools for the ‘Get Started’ phase of the Implementation Framework. At the end of the phase, each of the seven units will have a list of activities to put into action.

Throughout the pilot project, participating units will provide feedback on the resources. This input will support the finalization of the tools so that they can be launched campus wide later in the Fall.

Learn more

Join the Equity Action Plan mailing list for updates on when the new implementation tools will be widely available. If you have any questions, reach out to the planning team at equityaction@uvic.ca.