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Calling all UVic researchers!

The Equity Action Plan (EAP) sets out 5 equity goals. There is work for each of us to support the university in achieving these goals. Making long-lasting, meaningful change will require action from the entire UVic community. 

Included in Aspiration 2030, UVic’s research and creative works plan, social justice and equity is one of our five impact areas where we are uniquely positioned to make a difference.

As researchers, your ability to make an impact in this area is not only through your research approach and findings, but through the roles you play on campus and beyond, interacting with local communities, colleagues and students.

Embedding equity into your research practice has the potential to cultivate more inclusive and diverse research teams and environments, while producing knowledge that is relevant to our local and global communities.

This reflection and action guide will help you find an entry point to move from personal reflection to action, while creating the momentum necessary for long-term, systemic change.

Thank you for your action, engagement and important work within the UVic community. This work benefits us all.

Reflection questions

The following questions show the many ways researchers can engage with the goals in the EAP. We encourage you to take the time to reflect on the main questions and to use the secondary questions as an opportunity to spark ideas for action.

How can equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging be considered within your research activities/environment?

For instance:

  • how do you work to assess issues, decisions and/or actions from a diversity of perspectives?
  • are you aware of and do you consider the systemic barriers that are present within your field of research both in your research design (e.g., knowledge mobilization, community partnerships, methodologies, etc.) and in the construction of your research team (e.g., recruitment, retention, professional development, etc.)? 

What relationships, perspectives and forms of knowledge does your research agenda prioritize?

For instance:

  • do you recognize non-traditional research outputs and processes in your research design and within your research team?
  • how do your research activities and findings impact the communities you work with and/or in?
  • are there opportunities within your research to empower or build mutually beneficial relationships with the communities you work with and/or in? 

How do you contribute to cultivating an inclusive and welcoming research environment?

For instance:

  • how do you work to acknowledge and confront inequitable power dynamics within your research activities and/or team?
  • when hiring graduate students, do you develop selection criteria to minimize the impacts of unconscious bias?
  • do you work to understand the reasons why people leave your research team, to proactively identify potential barriers and issues?
  • how do you seek out opportunities to support and uplift your colleagues, research assistants and/or participants?
  • do you recognize the importance of preferential and limited hiring strategies to increase the representation of historically and systemically marginalized groups?

For researchers engaged in human research, what considerations do you make in your research plan or process to ensure diverse needs for participation are met?

For instance:

  • how can your research plan apply universal design?
  • do you financially compensate research participants for their time?
  • are you familiar with and do you consider the specific support needs of your participants when designing support protocols and providing resources/referrals?
  • do you actively consider cultural safety when working in your designated research environment? 

How will you ensure accountability to the outcomes of the EAP within your research environment?

For instance:

  • in your research planning/practice, are you aware of the EAP goals?
  • how do the institutional descriptions of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging relate to your research practices?
  • are you aware of the resources on campus to support your integration of equity diversity and inclusion in your research practices?
  • do you make efforts to evaluate the integration of equity, diversity and inclusion in your research practices?

What you can do right now

Having reflected on your role in advancing the EAP, consider the following list of suggested actions and/or resources.