
Student testimonials for counselling psychology

Sarah Buydens

"I realized that I really wanted to work with kids, not teach them. Then I realized that I really wanted to work with their families." For her master's thesis, Sarah chose The Lived Experience of Women Veterans of the Canadian Forces, which was funded by a $10,000 scholarship from the .

"I loved trauma work. I'm trained as a trauma therapist, and I wanted to work with people who encounter high risk in the workplace. I had worked at the and seen the work that the counselors do there, and that led me to investigate the experiences of women in the military. Surprisingly, there was little existing research about them."

Sarah will pursue the importance of mentorship among military women in her PhD research, which she's already started, under the guidance of her master's supervisor Dr. Tim Black. Sarah also works as a therapist with Victoria's and serves as a volunteer board member.

Tanya Ward

Tanya's MA thesis in Counselling Psychology was related to the work and educational aspirations of young single mothers in rural communities. Here's what she had to say about the program: "I am truly grateful for the support and encouragement I received from the department. My supervisors and professors were always available for questions and guidance."

After graduation, Tanya plans to start her own practice and spend some quality time building sand castles with her daughter. Her words of wisdom to new students? "Don't forget to breathe."

Asmanahi Antoine

"The ACCP, now known as ICCP, is a rare learning environment that is an honoured blended learning model that includes the use traditional knowledge and western knowledge theories in best counseling practices. In this program, I had the opportunity to learn how to find balance between both of these theories, but more importantly, a solid foundation that upholds my traditional knowledge and way of being. In an educational and learning journey, it cannot be possible unless you have leaders who also walk their teachings back to students, and to this day, I honour their wisdom. In the beginning they were my mentors, and now I am blessed to call them friends: Larry Emerson, Anne Marshall, Lorna Williams; plus the numerous faculty and staff. The cohort model, allowed each of us to listen and learn from each other, share a similar pathway, and I raise my hands to all the sisters who walk with me on this journey. I am filled with gratitude for the whole learning experience."

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