
Leadership studies

Leadership is not a position; it is a process.

Education and learning are lifelong and life wide. There are formal practices and spaces of leadership, education and learning and their informal and nonformal spaces and practices of leadership, education and learning. Leadership and education are inter-connected, multidisciplinary practices that affect all areas of our lives.

In this Leadership Studies program students will investigate the roles of leaders and educators in formal, informal and nonformal contexts and the ways in which they can lead and educate for change in our contemporary world. How do we as leaders and educators respond to pressing local and global social, gender and ecological issues of our time? How do we decolonize our minds, practices and workplaces? How do we make decisions towards positive change in our schools, workplaces, community organizations and institutions?

Our program covers a broad range of themes from national and international policy and decision making to arts-based and anti-oppressive practice; from community engagement to cultural leadership from metaphors of organization to global economic and political bodies and policies that affect our daily lives. Our faculty members bring Indigenous, feminist/gendered, national, local and global perspectives to the classroom and collaborate with researchers worldwide.

This Leadership Studies program will be of interest to:

  • community activists
  • adult and community educators and practitioners
  • teachers and administrators in the k-12 system
  • literacy and social workers
  • administrators and educators in higher education institutions
  • workplace trainers and union workers
  • arts and culture professionals
  • employees in non-governmental, voluntary, women’s, inter-governmental and governmental organizations and agencies (national and international)
  • military and justice system workers
  • anti-oppressive educators