
CACEP accreditation

*Please note the new tab with updated information on professional certification as of June 15, 2023

The MA in Counselling Psychology program has been accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Counsellor Education Programs (CACEP). 

The CACEP is a body empowered by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) to review and grant "accredited status" to counsellor education programs in Canada. The Council has outlined the required course content, practicum, and supervision experiences that counsellor education programs must provide to students in order to meet the standards of a professionally trained counsellor, as approved by the CCPA.

What does this mean for the program?

CACEP Accreditation has revised the counselling program in two respects:

  • Duration: a minimum of two years (24 months or six terms) to complete the coursework.
  • Content: once completed, your degree will conform to the required standards for CACEP Accreditation.

Who gets accredited?

Counselling programs get accredited, not individual students.

What professional certification will I be eligible for upon graduation from the program? 

Please see Professional certification and registration after you graduate