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ECS student clubs & teams

You’ll discover a huge range of student teams, clubs and societies within UVic Engineering and Computer Science.

Whether you’re hoping to develop a wider range of skills, put your classroom learning into practice, give back to your community or meet new friends, these groups offer opportunities to students from all years and disciplines. 

Student societies & advocacy groups

student holding plastic pop bottle

UVic Engineering Students' Society

The ESS focuses on improving the lives of engineering and computer science students at UVic by providing many events and services. Activities include assisting the Iron Ring Society, organizing competitions and holding charitable events.

group of students in classroom

UVic Canadian Society for Civil Engineering

The national Canadian Society for Civil Engineering maintains the profession’s high standards of practice and enhances its public image. The UVic CSCE is one of the group’s many student chapters.

group of students in computer lab

UVic IEEE Student Branch

This student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) hosts events, provides lab space for members, offers support for first-year math and computer science and provides electrical and software troubleshooting assistance.

group of students holding pride flag

UVic Leadership Through Diversity

LTD engages minority groups and promotes equality and inclusivity throughout the faculty and within the engineering industry. An official member of EngiQueers Canada, the group promotes and advocates for LGBTQ2+ students in engineering.

group of women

UVic Women in Engineering and Computer Science

WECS is dedicated to supporting women pursuing degrees in Engineering and Computer Science, though membership is open to all genders. Currently, WECS runs first-year exam review sessions and is planning more projects for the future.

Competitive design & racing teams

underwater vehicle


The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Interdisciplinary Club builds AUVs to compete in the international RoboSub competition. Members gain experience in marine robotics as well as areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and computer vision.

group of students


Students in this group are passionate about aviation and drones. They design, build and fly Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and compete annually in the Unmanned Systems Canada Student competition.

two students working on concrete canoe

UVic Concrete Canoe

This civil engineering-based team designs, constructs and paddles a concrete canoe for Canadian and U.S. competitions. The team provides opportunities for skills such as concrete mix design, 3D CAD modelling, leadership and project management.

two students working on hybrid

UVic Formula Hybrid

This team competes annually in the most complex competition of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series. Members work in sub-teams, using industry standard tools to research, design, fabricate and test parts in a hands-on and supportive environment.

uvic formula racing car

UVic Formula Racing

This club designs and builds a small, open-wheeled, formula-style racing car each year for competition in Formula SAE, the world's largest collegiate design competition. Gain skills in project management, engineering design, budgeting and networking.

group of students

UVic Robotics Club

Interested in designing, building and programming robotics? This club welcomes students from a variety of backgrounds and competes in events such as the Canadian International Rover Challenge.

group of students with rocket

UVic Rocketry Club

This multi-disciplinary team designs, builds and launches high-powered-sounding rockets with innovative payloads for competition each year. The team is open to dedicated individuals, regardless of degree, background or previous experience.

student working on satellite hardware

UVic Satellite Design Team

This team’s mission is to create an engaging and welcoming place for students to learn what it takes to develop a flight-ready spacecraft. We compete in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge between university teams for a chance to launch the winning cubesat.

group of students working on model

UVic Seismic Design Team

UVic Seismic aims to engage undergraduate students in earthquake engineering by providing education, research and networking opportunities and attending the annual Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Seismic Design Competition.

group of students in pool with submarine

UVic Submarine Racing Club

This club’s goal is to design, build and race a human-powered submarine at an annual international race in the US or UK. To achieve this, the club strives to develop students’ research, technical and manufacturing skills in marine systems engineering.

Health, outreach & sustainability groups

two students holding biomedical equpment

UVic Biomedical Design Team

BMED is a dedicated group of students who help address health challenges in the community by designing, developing and testing medical devices and assistive biomedical technologies.

group of students working on beach

UVic Environmental Engineering Club

This student group aims to create projects and products that help the local environment. A recent example is an Unmanned Surface Vehicle that is designed to collect microplastic debris from beaches in the area.

two students being shown object

UVic Global Engineering Brigade

Being part of this club lets you explore your passion in engineering through skill-based community volunteering. Develop life-long friendships and improve your cultural competency during our in-person or Telebrigade to Honduras.

student holding small solar panel

UVic Renewable Energy Club

UREC gives its members opportunities to develop key skills and knowledge related to the ever-important field of sustainable energy production and climate change solutions so they can work toward making a difference.

Software & gaming clubs

group of students

UVic GameDev

This club is focused on gaming and making games, whether professionally or for fun, solo or in teams. Game developers of all disciplines and skill levels are encouraged to check them out. Most of the action happens on the group’s Discord server.

group of students

UVic Minecraft Club

Members from across UVic enjoy regular party games, movie nights and social events in addition to Minecraft and other games. Computer Science and Software Engineering students have played key roles in this group. A great place to meet new people.

group of student in lecture hall

UVic Programming Club

This programming club is made up of students who enjoy solving programming problems. The group competes annually in the International Collegiate Programming Contest and meets weekly to practice and discuss algorithms.

group of students in the quad

Vike Labs

VikeLabs is a collective of students who learn to build, deploy and test software apps quickly. The group views UVic as a kind of laboratory for testing solutions to problems that exist within the campus community.