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Course registration restrictions

These undergraduate courses are available for open registration by any ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø student who has the required prerequisites.


  • Not all courses are offered every term.
  • The online timetable outlines the courses that are available in any given term.
  • Some restrictions may apply.
  • This list will change from time to time so please check regularly for updates.

(updated October 4th, 2022)

Biomedical Engineering – BME

  • BME 200 and 201 may be open to ECE students enrolled in the Biomedical Option.
  • All other BME courses are restricted to students enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering program.

Civil Engineering – CIVE

  • All CIVE courses are restricted to students enrolled in the Civil Engineering program.
  • Special requests may be considered; please contact the department directly.

Computer Science – CSC

  • 200-, 300- and 400-level CSC courses are only open to students in a Computer Science or Software Engineering major program, except for CSC 349A, which is open to students in the other engineering programs as well.
  • All 100-level CSC courses are open to students from any program.

Electrical and Computer Engineering – ECE

  • ECE 260 and ECE 310 are open to students enrolled in the Computer Music program in Fine Arts or Computer Science.
  • Some ECE courses are open to BME, MECH and BSEng students as required in their respective programs.
  • All other ECE courses are restricted to CENG and ELEC students.

Engineering – ENGR

  • ENGR 240 is open to students in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.
  • All other ENGR courses are restricted to students enrolled in a Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Software Engineering program.

Mechanical Engineering – MECH

  • MECH 295 is open to CENG and ELEC students only.
  • MECH 458 is open to MECH, BME, CENG and ELEC students only.
  • MECH courses included in the Biomedical Engineering program are open to declared BME and MECH students only.
  • All other MECH courses are restricted to students enrolled in Mechanical Engineering.

Software Engineering – SENG

SENG courses are offered by either the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. For a list of the courses offered by each department, please consult the Software Engineering website.

  • SENG courses offered by the Department of Computer Science are only open to students in Software Engineering or a Computer Science major.
  • SENG 426 is only open to students in Software Engineering or a Computer Science major.
  • SENG 440 is only open to students in Software, Computer, or Electrical Engineering, a Computer Science major, or the Computer Science/Health Information Science combined program.
  • SENG 460 is only open to students in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science with at least fourth year standing.
  • SENG 468 is only open to students in Software, Computer, or Electrical Engineering, a Computer Science major, or the CSC/Geography combined program.
  • SENG 475 is only open to students in Software, Computer, or Electrical Engineering, a Computer Science major, or the following Computer Science combined programs: Health Information Science, Math, Statistics, Geography, Physics, Psychology.
  • SENG 499 is only open to Software Engineering students with at least fourth year standing.