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Staff Award for Outstanding Contributions

The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Staff Award for Outstanding Contributions recognizes and honours individual staff members or teams who show:

  • outstanding dedication
  • resourcefulness
  • integrity
  • inspiration
  • outstanding service 

Up to two $1000 cash awards are presented annually. Recipients receive a paper certificate and their names are displayed on a permanent wall plaque near the dean's office.

The awards presentation takes place in December (at the Evening of Excellence/Winter Social).


Any member of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science can nominate someone. Nominees must be PEA or CUPE staff employed for at least 3 years full-time or part-time in the faculty. Prior winners are not eligible.

Nomination letters should include a description of the nominee's contributions and attributes. For example:

  • resourcefulness and commitment to high standards
  • responsibilities to students, faculty and/or staff
  • dedication and high level of integrity
  • dedication and inspiration to faculty and staff

The deadline for nominations is the second week of November.

Selection criteria

A staff award selection committee consists of:

  • a staff representative from each department
  • a staff representative from the Engineering Undergraduate Office or the Dean's Office
  • the dean/associate dean as committee chair (non-voting)

This committee meets in November to consider all nominations, with a decision and notification by month-end.

2023 recipients

Irene Statham
computer science

Arielle Garrett and Bastien Lanusse (team)
civil engineering

2022 Dan Mai
electrical and computer engineering
Christine Rattray and Jaerang Lee (team)
mechanical engineering
2021 Jennifer Holmes
dean's office
Janice Closson
electrical and computer engineering
2020 Ashleigh Carlsen
electrical and computer engineering
Christine Doszeck
civil engineering
Kavita Sharma
mechanical engineering
Armando Tura
civil engineering
ECE Technicians: Paul Fedrigo, Rob Fichtner, Brent Sirna
electrical and computer engineering
2019 Cassandra Petrachenko
computer science
Matthew Cormie
dean's office
2018 Amy Issel
electrical and computer engineering
Sandra Makosinski and Mary-Anne Teo
dean's office
2017 Barry Kent
mechanical engineering
LeAnne Golinksy
engineering undergraduate office
2016 Minh Ly
mechanical engineering
CSc Tech Team: Paul Stead, Robert Taylor,
Kathryn Wilson, Tomas Bednar, Glen McCloskey

computer science
2015 Patrick Chang
mechanical engineering
Wendy Beggs and Nancy Chan
computer science
2014 Val Cross
engineering undergraduate office
Kevin Jones
electrical and computer engineering
2013 Erin Robinson
mechanical engineering
Erik Laxdal
electrical and computer engineering