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February 01, 2022

Photo: Two members of the peer advising team, Sam Jasper and Victoria Hartman, are excited to help other newer students.

UVic Engineering and Computer Science is delighted to launch a new program in which students in the earlier years of their degree can get tips and support from upper-year students.

The Peer Assisted Student Success (PASS) team will help newer students navigate their time at UVic by providing assistance with study skills, time management, preparing for a first co-op, university life, student organizations and much more.

“I became involved with the PASS program because I want to help other students and give back to the ECS community,” says Victoria Hartman, a peer advisor who is in the fourth year of a biomedical engineering degree.

“I believe that advice from a peer is most useful because we've been through the same struggles, know how complex it can be to navigate university but have come through on the other side – more or less – successfully.”

The PASS team launched the program in the lobby of the EOW building on February 3. Students can also set up an in-person or online meeting with the advisors.

“I'm excited to be a part of the PASS program because I believe we can streamline students’ university experience by being able to relate to their specific needs and concerns,” says Nasreen Anowar, a fourth-year mechanical engineering student. “One of my favorite quotes from all time has to be ‘Not for ourselves alone are we born’ by Marcus Tullius Cicero. I think it is all of our responsibility to help each other succeed, because no one ever loses anything by giving.”

The PASS team aims to help students by providing a supportive environment, connecting them to campus resources, facilitating student autonomy, encouraging involvement in clubs and activities, sharing strategies for academic success and providing tips and advice from a student perspective.

Sam Jasper, who is in third-year mechanical engineering is looking forward to being a PASS advisor and has a message for students who are newer to the faculty.

“I want to help because I've struggled through my engineering classes too,” says Jasper. “Hopefully all that struggling has helped me come up with some strategies to help you. I hope to see you soon!"