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Faculty sees terrific turnout for first day of school

September 07, 2022

Dean Mina Hoorfar emcees the new student welcome event in the Farquhar Auditorium.

More than 400 students new to the UVic Engineering and Computer Science attended the faculty and university’s welcome events Tuesday, Sept. 6.

ECS students – who included recent high school graduates and those transferring from other post-secondary institutions – filled the Farquhar Auditorium following an outdoor lunch and other welcome activities open to all new students on campus.

“You’ve picked a terrific university and an excellent discipline – whether you’re in engineering or computer science,” Dean Mina Hoorfar said. “Both these fields are at the forefront of some of the most exciting and important work being done today – in areas such as environmental sustainability, data science, machine learning and health care.”

About 500 students are registered in the faculty’s first-year programs this year.

Speakers at the afternoon gathering included faculty members, staff, and more senior students, who provided tips, strategies and resources for succeeding academically, staying socially connected and making the most of campus life. Areas covered included study habits, the co-op program, math resources, academic integrity, and the importance of creating a community based on equity, diversity and inclusion.

At other times during the day, students attended campus wide events including a kick-off in the Quad, tours of campus, an information fair and games.