
Program standards

The following standards are mandatory when using digital signage on campus.

Program standards

Physical standards

Content standards

Program standards

Digital signage

Refers to any digital display that broadcasts information, video, web applications, and other forms of content on campus, in buildings and public areas such as hallways, lobbies and other public spaces. It does not refer to displays used in classrooms. All digital signage use will be subject to the policy on Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources.

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The digital signage program is opt-in, but is the only option for digital signage on campus. Units wishing to have digital signage must use this system. All digital signage, new and existing, must use the TelemetryTV service.

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Central signage

In support of internal communications, the university has installed a number centrally managed displays in targeted, high-traffic areas on campus. These displays are managed by UVic Communications + Marketing and are used to distribute content from the central content playlist


University Communications + Marketing monitors the network to ensure appropriate use standards are being adhered to. Periodically they will evaluate client and audience use.


Installation, hardware and software (annual licensing per endpoint) costs are to be borne by the department requesting digital signage. The program costs (operational management, maintenance and support) are borne by the university.

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UVic Communications + Marketing provides consultation, guidance and training at no cost.

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Physical standards

Equipment standards

University Systems, under the Institutional Acquisition and Standardization of Information Technology Devices policy, has created standard digital signage hardware packages available for purchase.

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Under the University Signage and Buildings and Grounds Usage policies, UVic Communications + Marketing, in consultation with Facilities Management will advise on the best placement for digital signage within an area, taking into account optimum viewing angles and ease of access to necessary data ports.

Digital signage proposed in a space that is shared will require consultation and planning with other affected areas.

Units can only place digital signage within the building(s) that they are located.

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University Systems is responsible for the security of the network. Individual users are responsible for the physical security of the hardware.

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Energy use

It is up to each department whether they want to turn off the displays overnight. We are, however, a university committed to sustainability of campus so units are encouraged to turn their displays off at night.

Though commercial digital signage displays are designed to run 24/7 and the university will not administer a policy on screen use, turning off displays outside of business hours would conserve energy.

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Content standards 


All digital signage is intended to display content that is relevant to the unit’s audience and supports UVic’s vision and mission as outlined in the Strategic Framework.

Only inclusive, university-focused content relevant to the unit’s students, faculty, staff and visitors is permitted. Under the Discrimination and Harassment Policy and the Policy on Human Rights, Equity and Fairness, no offensive or exclusionary messaging will be tolerated. Additionally, all digital signage use will be subject to the policy on Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources.

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Central content

All displays must subscribe to the central content playlist, which runs as 20 per cent of a display's content. This playlist contains institutional content and be provided directly to all display feeds and is managed by UVic Communications + Marketing. Central content must be relevant to all students, faculty or staff and must adhere to design standards.

Any UVic staff or faculty can submit content to the central content playlist, subject to approval based on content and design standards. UVic Communications + Marketing reserves the right to decline to run any content that does not reflect the standards and principles of the network.

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All digital signage must use templates provided by UVic Communications + Marketing or be created to an equivalent standard that follows the UVic brand guidelines and digital signage content standards.

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Content management

A department should appoint one content manager and one designated alternate for their area. Those individuals will create, manage and schedule content for all of the unit’s displays.

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File backup

You are responsible for backing up all Digicaster content you create (slides, images, etc.) and keeping it on your local or shared drive.

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Emergency messaging

Emergency planning is a critical aspect of the university’s operations, therefore all displays are programmed to accept emergency information as a part of the UVic Alerts program. In the event of an emergency, the screens will be taken over with relevant emergency messaging.

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No third-party generated advertising may appear on any digital signage with the exception of approved ancillary services, limited to Athletics and the Bookstore. 

Sponsorship logos can be used on messaging specific to a UVic event or initiative. For example, a unit can post a department-generated slide for an event with a sponsor’s logo on it, but a unit cannot post an ad for that sponsor, or for any other non-UVic entity.

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