
Submit content

Hosting an open house in your faculty? Want to get the word out to students about great events or opportunities on campus?

Submit a slide to the central content playlist to get your message distributed across the entire digital signage network on campus for free!

Specifications for central content

The central content playlist is available to our university community to assist in the promotion of events and activities occurring within or outside the campus involving our faculty, students, staff and community members.

Some examples of appropriate content:

  • UVic sponsored events and activity promotion that is free of charge
  • Campus-wide information, announcements, updates and news

In order to be eligible for central content*, submissions must: 

  • adhere to digital signage design guidelines
  • be relevant to the overall campus community (open to all)
  • be consistent with UVic’s mission and values as outlined in the Strategic Framework
  • be submitted as a 1920x1080 JPEG for static content
  • be submitted as a 1080p mp4 or webm for video content (Videos must have no audio and should be no more than 15 seconds in duration)

Design templates are available for use here.

*Acceptance is not guaranteed. Even if your slide meets these content specifications, it may not be added into central content during periods of high content volume. Each unit can run a maximum of two slides at any given time.

Are there restrictions on slide content?

Yes. The following are not acceptable:

  • Commercial content and/or third-party advertising (content should not include prices/fees)
  • Non-university sponsored events and initiatives
  • Political advocacy or the promotion of political events
  • Job postings
  • Private events (exclusive to certain populations of the campus community)
  • Personal announcements such as housing and ride share requests, for sale/wanted items, etc.
  • Announcements, messages, language or media that are inconsistent with the University’s mission and values
  • Content that promotes or encourages liquor or cannabis consumption, or promotes liquor or cannabis as the focus of an event

The 番茄社区 reserves the right to delete content that violates UVic’s policy on Responsible Use of Information Technology Services, privacy or other legislation, or the terms of these guidelines.

These guidelines have been created in compliance with and will adhere to the and Campus poster policy.

Student clubs and course unions

Student clubs and course unions have an opportunity to submit content for central rotation. In addition to following the same parameters mentioned above, clubs and course unions must:

  • be currently registered with the
  • promote on-campus community/cultural events open to all students or communicate information relevant to the entire student population
  • not promote alcohol or cannabis sales or consumption, explicitly or implicitly