
Sign-up process

The digital signage program is temporarily closed to new sign ups. We’ll reassess the closure in early 2024. If you have any questions in the meantime, contact .


Interested in getting digital signage for your unit but just aren't sure where to start?

Just follow our easy implementation process for new signage installs. It will take your unit through all of the steps through to content management training in a few steps.

Sign-up steps

  1. First meeting between requesting unit and Communications + Marketing
    • Program overview provided
    • Hardware options and content management discussed
    • for site visit with Facilities Management submitted by unit
  2. Site visit with Facilities Management
    • Signage install location and specifications defined and approved
    • Install/hardware estimate provided
    • Estimates approved by unit
  3. Hardware purchasing
    • Hardware ordered and stored by Facilities Management until all components are delivered
  4. Hardware arrives
    • Status update provided to unit
    • Install procedures initiated
  5. Hardware/software install
    • Software install arranged by Computer Help Desk or Desktop Support Services
    • Hardware install procedures (electrical, network, carpentry) coordinated by Facilities Management
  6. Content management training
    • Training and best practices provided to newly elected content managers via .