
Content management

The content manager's role within each unit is to create, manage and schedule content on locally owned displays.

As a first step, new content managers must complete the to navigate the management software, TelemetryTV, and how to create effective content and messaging strategies to reach your target audiences.

In order to achieve consistency throughout the network and to keep the system manageable and tidy, we've introduced some housekeeping requirements for content management:

File naming structure

In order to maintain consistency across content uploaded into the TelemetryTV system, we require that content managers (and creators) name all of their assets using this file naming convention:

Expiration Date(YYYYMMDD)–Descriptor–Unit

Example: 20250717–UVicintheNews–UCAM

This shows that it expires on July 17, 2025, is owned by UVic Communications and Marketing, and its content is UVic in the News

Asset management & file backup

Content managers are responsible for setting timely scheduling on content that it uploaded into TelemetryTV. We recommend that content has a maximum shelf life of 30 days to keep content fresh and engaging for your audiences. Once content has expired, the content manager must remove it from the system.

As a content manager, you are responsible for backing up all Digicaster content you create (slides, images, etc.) and keeping it on your local or shared drive. Digital signage content is not archived within the content management system.