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After your work term

At the end of the work term, you should:

  • complete your final assessment
  • reflect on how you’ve met your learning objectives
  • outline how you’ve demonstrated and developed your competencies

Final competency assessment

At the end of your work term, sign in to the  and complete your final competency assessment for that work term.

Your supervisor will then receive an email with a link to review your assessment and complete the supervisor portion. 

You can save a copy of your competency assessment for future interview prep, work terms and career development.

Check out these competency resources to support your work.

Final work term assignment

At the end of each work term, you'll complete a final work term assignment. The requirements vary between programs. Contact your co-op office for details before you start.

The final assignment could be a:

  • written work term report (most common)
  • blog post
  • article and photo
  • career action plan
  • forum theatre
  • journal
  • letter to a future student
  • literature review
  • online discussion
  • online portfolio
  • orientation package for the next co-op student
  • photo essay
  • presentation
  • video
  • workshop

Note: Not all work term assignment options are available in all programs. Some programs may require more than one type of submission.