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Co-op is optional for students studying the following graduate-level programs within the Curriculum and Instruction & Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies departments:

  • Educational Psychology (MEd. MA and PhD)
  • Educational Studies (MA and PhD)
  • Leadership Studies (MEd, MA and PhD)

Office & contacts

Our regular business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Offices: McKinnon 112 and 113

Co-op coordinator
Natalie Haddow 
McKinnon 113

Co-op assistant
Tammy Doyle
McKinnon 112

Program facts

  • graduate level, optional co-op
  • 2 work terms required for master's students
  • 3 work terms required for doctoral students


Co-op students pay a co-op work term fee for each work term. It's free to join co-op and attend the preparation course—you'll pay your work term fee after you secure a co-op work term.

Work term fees per work term for graduate students:

  • $791.72 for domestic students
  • $995.80 for international students

Note that the graduate co-op work term fee is different than the graduate installment fee. If you are a grad student and register for a co-op work term, during that term, you'll pay:

  • the grad co-op work term fee  
  • the grad ancillary fees

If you register for a course (e.g. thesis 596 or 598) and a co-op work term in the same term, during that term, you'll pay:

  • the grad co-op work term fee
  • the grad installment fee
  • the grad ancillary fees 

Questions about co-op tuition fees? Email us or call 250-721-7032 for assistance.

Average salaries

You'll receive a salary from your employer during each co-op work term. Co-op salaries vary according to many factors, including:

  • your previous work experience
  • the industry you're working in
  • the responsibilities of your co-op job

Here is an average monthly salary for a work term:

  • education graduate student: $3,847.97

View salary estimates for all programs.

Work terms

Co-op work terms begin in January, May and September and are typically 4 months long.

  • master's students: 2 work terms
  • PhD students: 3 work terms

Learn more about:

Sample employers & jobs

You could work for:

  • government ministries responsible for education (K-12 and post-secondary)
  • adult education associations and professional organizations

Other options:

  • connect with your co-op coordinator to arrange funding for a job specific to your area of research
  • if you’re already working closely with a faculty member or industry partner on a joint endeavor that’s contributing to your graduate research project, you can count this as co-op work term
    • this arrangement would be at the discretion of your school or department through consultation with your co-op coordinator and graduate adviser

Connor Guillet (educational psychology)

After completing his Bachelor of Education from the University of Saskatchewan’s Saskatchewan Urban Native Teachers Education Program, Connor Guillet enrolled in UVic’s...

Jacob Cooke (health and recreation, PISE)

Physical health and recreation student Jacob Cook jumped at the opportunity to work with the Pacific Institute for Sports Excellence facility (PISE), a local non-profit organization that creates...

Kailyn Smith (recreation and health education)

Kailyn Smith, a third-year student majoring in recreational and health education, is currently completing an international work term in Thailand working as an Outdoor Education Intern at UWC....

Get support

We're here to support you with every step in your co-op journey, from applying to co-op to making sure you're supported at work. Contact your co-op coordinator or office for assistance.

If you identify as having a disability or a mental health condition, if you belong to an equity group, or if you identify as Indigenous, we have additional supports for your co-op experience.