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Paige Garat (biology)

A student holds a dog in a veterinary office.

Paige Garat's love for animals of all shapes and sizes led her to a co-op work term at Dand Veterinary Clinics.

Shadowing veterinarians

Pet owners bringing their furry friends into Dand Veterinary Clinics in Fernwood or James Bay are greeted by biology co-op student and self-proclaimed animal-lover Paige Garat, who helps ensure appointments go smoothly for pets and people alike.

From scheduling appointments and answering phones to taking X-rays and recording vitals, Paige brings her positive attitude and academic expertise to her role as a veterinary assistant, working at both clinics in Victoria to support the veterinarians.

As she considers a career as a veterinarian, Paige says that her co-op position has given her invaluable knowledge of the field. “Just being able to help animals feel better makes the hard parts of the job worth it,” she says.

The impact of co-op

"Co-op has aided in my career journey by helping me to obtain work experience in my field of interest and allowing me to gain experience in a learning environment," Paige says.

"I am very seriously considering a career as a veterinarian, so being exposed to the field and also learning the basics is a great start." 

Paige is the first co-op student to work with the clinics. “Paige’s attitude and energy have been fantastic,” says Louise McClean, practice manager. “We don’t want her to leave!”