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Lisa Schnitzler (English and Indigenous studies)

A student sits at the top of a hill overlooking a beach.

UVic English and Indigenous studies student Lisa Schnitzler travelled to Australia during her work term to join the policy and impact team with the Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement at RMIT.

Growing as a professional

Getting a job right out of university can be quite difficult, but co-op has allowed me to grow as a professional to be ready to enter the work force. I am not focused on obtaining a specific career, I look forward to using the skills I have learned to take me on many different journeys. 

Work experience cannot compare to classroom learning. They are equally important, but you need both to graduate with the right competencies to start your career. I am learning practical skills that I did not have a chance to learn in the classroom. 

Finding a shared future

I chose UVic because of the environment on campus. I have friends who are alumni and they highly recommended UVic. When I visited for a tour, I fell in love with the beauty of our campus and Victoria. I have always loved writing so I chose the English program.

I took a few Indigenous Studies classes in my second year and developed a passion for finding a shared future between Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous peoples. I had a fantastic experience in both programs, and met many great mentors and teachers along the way.

The impact of co-op

For my co-op work term, I completed a Work Integrated Learning Experience in Melbourne, Australia. I am a member of the Policy and Impact team within the Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement at RMIT. Working in Australia opened me up to so many new ways of thinking regarding Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination, and reconciliation.

I conducted research in regards to reconciliation at the university. I also had the opportunity to sit in meetings focused on strategic planning at RMIT. The people I worked with everyday inspired me in many ways. They are committed to Indigenous sovereignty and invest their lives towards making positive change.