Orientation checklist
Taking the time to cover important information during the first week can help co-op students settle in—for many students, this may be their first time in this type of work environment.
Basic workplace info
- the workplace address, mailing address and phone number
- the supervisor’s name, title, email and phone number(s)
- the student’s position title, email address and work phone number
Hours of work
- work start and end times as well as break times
- overtime policies and procedures
- policies for medical and other appointments
- what to do if late or absent
HR and payroll
- HR paperwork
- how the pay process works, including how and how often
Policies and procedures
- how to use the voicemail and calendar system, plus appropriate greetings and signatures
- policies around phone use (e.g., long distance calls, use of personal devices, whether personal calls/texts are permitted)
- details about the organizational structure and communication channels
- which meetings to attend
- travel policies, if applicable
- administrative support
Work environment
- location of and access to restrooms
- location of eating and break areas, as well as workplace policies
- where to find supplies and how to request them
- where to access reference materials and manuals as well as updates and notices
- information about commuting, including bike and car parking facilities
- workplace access details (e.g., access hours, keys, security passes)
Hardware and software
- WiFi and network access details
- which computers and software should be used
- how to use network printers, scanners and copiers
- what distribution lists to sign up for or use
- any relevant computer systems policies
Wellbeing and safety
- first aid protocols, including the name of the first aid attendant and how to contact them
- locations of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and emergency exits
- how to report safety concerns, accidents, harassment or discrimination
- how to sign out equipment and find safety information on materials
- how to safely operate equipment and use personal protective equipment