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Danielle Lowe

2021 Business Co-op Student of the Year

Danielle Lowe


In her final year of her Bachelor of Commerce, Danielle Lowe founded a business that combined her love for dogs, passion for sustainability, and skills in business development.

Today, her cricket-based dog treat business called Doodlebug has won ten business competitions and she sells the treats across Canada. Danielle took her inspiration from innovative companies that prioritize consumer and environmental wellbeing.

Her entrepreneurial work term introduced Danielle to all aspects of the business world, from crafting financial projections, to graphic design, to product shipping across the country. “Work-integrated learning gave me the opportunity to apply in-course material to real-life situations and personalize my academic achievements,” she says.

As a young entrepreneur, Danielle made it a priority to give back to the community that supported her by donating her product to Restorative Justice Victoria’s Charity Auction. She’s also presented as a speaker at UVic and has been invited as a keynote speaker and competition judge by West Point Grey Academy.

By reaching out to make these connections, she hopes to inspire other students to think outside the box and pursue unique, creative work-integrated learning experiences.

What's next...

Someday, Danielle hopes to hire other co-op students and invite them into the world of entrepreneurship.

“I am proud of my accomplishments this past co-op term and thrilled that I have another semester to focus on Doodlebug,” she says. “I’m confident my business understanding and professional network will continue to grow.”

Learn more

 Learn more about the Co-op Student of the Year award.